Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

You're right. He is a very dignified chap, not just in looks but in behaviour as well. He'll ask and then move on when it comes to food and mating his hens.
He does his best to keep an eye on all his hens but the RSL's are all over the place. I don't know how long it would take for them to understand they need to stay reaonably close to Henry.
Shad, does the sodden soil reduce the mite population?
It was amazing and frightening at the same time to watch that hawk. I also knew at that moment that there was almost nothing that I could do to stop it from a determined hunt.

They also have no fear of me. I could walk up and almost touch him.

I have since learned that they will land and walk into a chicken run to get at them if they need to. They are a very different predator than I ever imagined.

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Slingshot with clay balls. I'm not going to go into any more detail than that but the clay balls are a good hint.
Does the allotment have a box where people can leave their excess for others to help themselves to? If so, dropping food on the ground is unfathomably wasteful. If not, maybe such a box is needed?

I'm also wondering if someone's child or grandchild dropped it when they weren't being observed.
Nope, no box. There are a lot of things needed. At the moment it isn't a problem I can do much about.
Mostly Legbars.
Matilda contemplating further excavation.

I opened up this stretch that runs along side the geese enclosure today. No prizes for guessing who was first to get digging. Lima and Dusk were in there like a shot. I expect more will get the idea tomorrow.

A reasonable shot of Dusk's face. I think she's lovely.

Henry's problem. There are a few over there. A few here. A few by the coop. A few under the tree and only one of him.:barnie

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