Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

So, last year I brought up and left my old mini coop w/5 nest boxes. It can split into a broody or quarantine or intro etc. Sleeps 6 nicely. Also converted an old Hawaiian horse trailer into just sleep protection as I too just want safe sleeping quarters. The run is about 25x40.View attachment 3169716View attachment 3169717
I did fashion some solid hops and roosts in the trailer coop and it can sleep about 15-20 (?) comfortably and safely.
And they have a whole forest to wander fairly freely. No predators cept possible people and dogs on rare occasions, maybe. Last year 0View attachment 3169724View attachment 3169759
My dream goal is to have 2 functioning flocks. Beetles and Spiders. Beetle has not incorporated into the flock yet. Look but don't touch only. He is about 10 months old (I think) and in his own quarters. I'd like him to peacefully care for 12 of his own girls. I was going to do his intro at home when I took Spider and the A-team up but my concern is when I bring them down.
Did I explain any of that a little better? Currently Spider is in charge of all hens, pullets and chicks.
If you don't have any predators you could maybe make a very light structure that wouldn't be completely predator proof. I'm thinking camping for chickens, maybe with hoops or pallets ?

At your home, would you be able when reintroducing the flock to keep beetle and spider separated each with their respective flocks at least for a while or would they all be together ?
If you don't have any predators you could maybe make a very light structure that wouldn't be completely predator proof. I'm thinking camping for chickens, maybe with hoops or pallets ?

At your home, would you be able when reintroducing the flock to keep beetle and spider separated each with their respective flocks at least for a while or would they all be together ?
I would love for them to coexist. That's 24 gals between them and like Shad says. They are breed prejudice so should naturally gravitate to their color breed. Only the matriarch's are not brahma but are very loyal to Spider.
Yes, def camping. Not a lot of bugs up there and it is cool. So after the heat breaks in a few months we will be happy to come home and chase lizards.
Have the other eggs hatched ?
I don't know yet; I let the others out and have now netted that coop so the new family will be undisturbed today, and it should be easier to get the littles back in if they do come out, but throughout Paprika sat tight on whatever's underneath her. Interestingly Venka, whose temporary disappearance prompted this brood and whose eggs constitute most of the clutch, hung about in there after everyone else left for breakfast. She can't know they're her chicks biologically, can she?


This is Olivia, a D'Uccle frizzle.
She got absolutely drenched in today's rain but as you can see, her foot feathers are fine, just very, very wet.


Her feet feathers are bedraggled & somewhat matted but are not causing any issues.
She is a lovely little hen. Very easy to handle.​
I don't know yet; I let the others out and have now netted that coop so the new family will be undisturbed today, and it should be easier to get the littles back in if they do come out, but throughout Paprika sat tight on whatever's underneath her. Interestingly Venka, whose temporary disappearance prompted this brood and whose eggs constitute most of the clutch, hung about in there after everyone else left for breakfast. She can't know they're her chicks biologically, can she?
I couldn't see anything from under Chipie for 24 hours either, except a little black head that furtively got a look out.

I also wonder if Venka knows somehow, but I don't really see how it would be possible, unless she could hear and recognize the peep ? Or maybe she is just interested in the chicks. Hard to say!
I'm beginning to think the smallest chick is going to have special needs. It's about the size the other two were ten days ago, and smaller than the bantam chick. What worries me is that when the other two had wings of it's actual size, they were flying pretty well already. This one really seems to be avoiding to fly as much as possible. It's always running the long way round. It doesn't act sick, but it gets tired more often than the other bigger chicks.
The chicks will be a month old this weekend so I suppose Chipie will be weaning them in a week or so, and there is no way it will be able to survive on it's own.
You can see on the picture the difference of size with it's sibling and on the video that it is the only one that doesn't fly on the chair when Chipie has them training to.
Would it be any use putting some vitamin in their water? I'm afraid I may need to keep it apart when Chipie stops caring for them.

Well it seems multiple coops have interesting side effects 😁 I'm really surprised, I was convinced they would sleep all the times in the same coop! Does it often happen that they change or is this exceptional ?
I have a two small coops with a little roofed run in between. The ladies prefer the self made extension coop over the small prefab with nest boxes. The extension was originally build as a shelter/summer coop., It’s very airy and build at the end of the small run 7 years ago.

As soon as I finished the extension they all preferred sleeping there. When it became winter I covered the hwc east side to block the cold east winds.

After a few years I had 5 chicks, but only one pullet (Janice). After the boys left she had a poor life. Every time she wanted to roost with the others she got bullied. Janice gave up trying and slept in the small coop. In the beginning she slept there alone. But after a while she got company. And I had 2 sleeping in the small coop. And 6 in the extension.

1 1/2 years ago my oldest (the boss) disappeared one day. And the flock dynamics changed. Janice became more confident and started to roost with the others.

The chickens use the old prefab mainly to lay an egg or to get broody nowadays. It was very convenient last year though with two broodies in the 2 nesting boxes in the prefab. I temporarily closed of the broodies from the rest (too much disturbance). The new youngsters happily started to roost with the others after about 8 weeks.

So at the moment all chickens sleep in the extension. But its nice to have a second option. For if one prefers to sleep apart bc of bullying and pecking order. And its also a reasonable spot for a broody with chicks.
I'm beginning to think the smallest chick is going to have special needs. It's about the size the other two were ten days ago, and smaller than the bantam chick. What worries me is that when the other two had wings of it's actual size, they were flying pretty well already. This one really seems to be avoiding to fly as much as possible. It's always running the long way round. It doesn't act sick, but it gets tired more often than the other bigger chicks.
The chicks will be a month old this weekend so I suppose Chipie will be weaning them in a week or so, and there is no way it will be able to survive on it's own.
You can see on the picture the difference of size with it's sibling and on the video that it is the only one that doesn't fly on the chair when Chipie has them training to.
Would it be any use putting some vitamin in their water? I'm afraid I may need to keep it apart when Chipie stops caring for them.
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it may have the slow feathering gene. Or it may be dealing with a bug. But I wouldn't worry about it, seeing the video; it is actively participating, not hunched up in a corner somewhere, and I would expect it to catch up in due course. Some of my broodies have stayed with their chicks for months; what makes you think Chipie is going to send them packing at 5 weeks?
I am down to just one Campine ~ which will not do @ all! 🤣 And Aracaunas. I am reluctant to try Japs as they are prone to deformities but D'Uccles may also be an option. Personality wise the D'Uccles have been a real surprise. They are real characters!
Interesting. I’m ‘planning’ for new 🐣 babies next spring. I need to buy fertilised eggs , having no rooster either.

The small dUccles crossed my mind too. They seem to be great company. But there are cons too (as always). The description says they get broody quit often, don’t lay much and not in winter. I love the characters of my Dutch too. Same pros, same cons.
But there are many more to choose from , even under 800 grams. The bantam Araucana crossed my mind too (green eggs) but they look 👀 strange having no tail.

With the HPAI troubles we have with chickens in the Netherlands, I prefer not to buy eggs anymore (no organic or free range available anymore) . For fresh eggs in winter was looking for a few bantams that are capable to lay all year. I tried that with my bantam RIR. But they are not such good layers as I hoped . And to my surprise I had a broody RIR that never seemed to stop. They are not very sociable either . These big ladies only come running to me for food. Besides I find them everything but elegant. They still wobble like chicks.

So maybe I just go for the friendly and intelligent character, buy more of these characters to compensate the egg quantities and light up the coop a few hours during the short winter nights. Dutch are easier to obtain over here. So chances are bigger to get Dutch.
Some of my broodies have stayed with their chicks for months; what makes you think Chipie is going to send them packing at 5 weeks?
I read that broodies could start sending their chicks away from that time and just did not think "from" meant they could keep them longer 🙄. Of course you're right! She loves caring for them, it's obvious she is way more happy now than before she had them so there's no reason to believe she would put an early end to their bond! Thank you so much !

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