Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Paprika has delivered them all, clever girl!
That is handsome tax!

They seem to come in the house in August, I think looking for water, because it is hot and dry then. The vinegar seems to be helping. I know that cinnamon repels them, but I have read that it is also bad for the chickens and it is expensive.

They are a horrible insect. I got stung between my fore finger and middle finger in that tender spot, my hand was swollen to my ring finger, I had to take my ring off with some hand lotion. I have checked the little chicken feet and they look ok, but Blue was a grump today so I checked him all over with my flashlight tonight and he doesn't have any signs of stings under his feathers and seemed more annoyed that he was actually enjoying the attention. LOL
I've been swarmed. In my rookie jungle days when I wasn't attuned to these things. Stepped right next to a mound. Had to sprint down to the stream and jump in. I could feel them biting me even as they drowned. I couldn't even pull my gumboots on for a week my ankles and calves were so swollen. We have many different kinds of ants here. Some will migrate from place to place in long parades. They will trundle right through the kitchen don't bother anybody. We call them the limpiadors -- the cleaners -- because they pick up all the dead bugs and food they find in cracks and crevices and go on their way. But others are downright ferocious. I'm sure they serve some ecological purpose, but it's tough consolation when you're the victim of an attack.
And if I understood what you said correctly they only studied over 8 weeks. Maybe not long enough to get a true view?
Eight weeks is not long enough to form even an opinion, much less a conclusion. I've watched hens who fought or regarded each other with suspicion for months end up becoming very companionable. There's so much that seems to come into play -- age, seniority, illness, broodiness, motherhood, personality, preference for a certain dust bathing spot, etc etc. 8 weeks doesn't even scratch the surface to observe how their relationships evolve and change over time.
I'm having big issues with fire ants, too. They've come into the house now. :eek:

Tax for off topic talk:
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I have many many hills of fire ants.

They got in my house last week.

I got a can of ant killer and sprayed them which got rid of the ones in the house.

I know cinnamon will make them move their hill.

Orthene is what will get rid of the fire ants outside.

Of course you need to keep the chickens clear of the area you treat.
This is Tobias. A handsome 4.5 month old junior cockerel. With very short legs, like his mama Patucha.

@Perris I recall you posted something about not wanted the short-legged gene in your flock. Is there any reason for this beyond personal aesthetic taste? From what I understand, this gene comes from a Scottish breed?

Of the junior cockerels, Tobias is definitely "the keeper" with regards to personality. He's smart enough to stay out of Lucio's way, respectful towards the elder hens, but I can tell he's smart enough to formulate a plan to attract his own hens when his time comes. He's watchful for eagles and very brave -- giving the warning a then positioning himself to remain visible, just like Lucio does. And he has beautiful feathering and a very handsome look.

And short legs.

Being quite short-legged myself, I don't see this as a problem. It's not like he'll need all his pants altered like I do. 😄

Do short-legged chickens have any health problems? Patucha (which a actually means "short-legged" in Kichwa) seems robust.
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Activated charcoal can help pull the poison that causes pain out of a sting if you put it on the affected area.

I have a can of ointment from J. R. Watkins called Petro-Carbo.

It reads pain relieving salve with all-natural spruce oil and for minor cuts, scrapes, burns, and skin irritations.

I have been using this salve for 5 or 6 years and I wouldn't be caught without it.
Activated charcoal can help pull the poison that causes pain out of a sting if you put it on the affected area.
Vapor rub applied immediately to the bite helps but doesn't totally alleviate the pain. A shot of good whiskey applied internally cuts down on my cursing when I step in a mound of fire ants.. tax
she is serious about her mama duties

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