Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

I hope the hens realized Big Red didn't know what he was doing before they ran by and grabbed the wire 😛

Thank you! My eyes also seem to have much less resolution these days than the camera that the first photo was taken on, sigh.

Ah, so it's the gizzard, not the crop, creating the sea glass? I'm still getting mixed up around the functions of crop v. gizzard. Is the crop more of a storage pouch, and the gizzard the food grinder?

Edited: After thinking about it for a minute, I realized I do know the difference between these 2 parts of chicken anatomy but had a brain fart. Corrected in the original post to spread less misinformation.
This article, even if I do say so myself, gives a reasonable description of how a chickens digestive system works.
Today I met the sweetest Light Brahma rooster. He looked a lot like Henry. A girl had brought him to the farm store and was telling my toddler and I all about how amazing her roosters are and how this guy is her sweetest boy who just loves kids. All the while my toddler was gently stroking him and he was making a purring sound. It was so cute and reminded me of Shadrach and his rooster praising. 🐓 😀
This article, even if I do say so myself, gives a reasonable description of how a chickens digestive system works.
Mmm hmm, you did say so yourself. In an extraordinarily interesting article I've now read 3 times, which makes me feel extra silly for the mixup. But I thought you weren't going to burden us simpletons on this thread with your complex articles anymore 😁😉

This article has so many tendrils that I'm finding it relevant this week in a different way than it struck me even a few weeks ago.
Mmm hmm, you did say so yourself. In an extraordinarily interesting article I've now read 3 times, which makes me feel extra silly for the mixup. But I thought you weren't going to burden us simpletons on this thread with your complex articles anymore 😁😉

This article has so many tendrils that I'm finding it relevant this week in a different way than it struck me even a few weeks ago.
Two and a half hours today. Bright and sunny mostly but rather chilly.🥶
One of the group members brought their sole surviving hen with them today and constructed a small run on their plot so the hen could have a bit of a forage out in the sun while they worked on their plot. Not entirely sure this was a good idea but the reactions of Dig and Henry were very entertaining. Both spent a lot of time scratch and herding and doing the I've got food bit while the hens kept their distance apart from Mow who cane to have a look, wasn't that interested and joined Fret and Carbon at the other end of the allotment.

Dig spent most of the afternoon trying to impress the hen.
I don't think this hen had ever seen a male chicken before but it seemed she understood the attempted herding through the fence and the food calls and didn't in general seem at all perturbed by Henry's and Dig's attention.

It was pretty obvious she prefered Henry but Henry realised this wasn't a going proposition and lost interest and rejoined the hens only going back to chase Dig away from time to time.

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