Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Little Toot is still going strong. The Egg Thief found it's sibling, dead, so something definitely happened, to drive the parents away. They may have been the original goose family, and were just old and more easily driven off.

The leg issue is not keeping it from eating and swimming. It still kicks the leg out behind it and kind of drags it around, but with help getting started, it can now use the leg to help stand. I am hoping that we can rehab it sufficiently for it to have a normal or normal-ish life. If not, then we will get it a duckling or gosling friend to grow up with, so it is not lonely. I am going to give it a few weeks, it seems to be fine visiting with the dogs and me for now but as it gets stronger, it will need it's own little friend.
My college notified me that I made the National Technical Honor Society.
Congratulations Congrats GIF by SEGA
Thanks. Needed something to focus on after Skeksis died.
That's good !

Are you thinking of looking for work in management facility in the future or was it things you wanted to learn for your own use ?
On the plus side I've got an agreement to extend the the chicken coop run into the abondoned fruit bush plot
I was thinking maybe you didn't have enough on your hands with Fret's chicks coming 😁.
I am sure the chickens will find good use for the extension. Are you thinking of just making their actual run bigger or planning a separation between the two spaces ? Could be useful in case you need to do some integration.

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