Shamo hen broody or something else

What are you currently feeding?
Heygates grower feed as I have a mixed flock along with crushed eggshells at the side for calcium.

They also get a daily container of foodscraps from the kitchen (fruit, bread, vegetable peels, etc) and free-range in the garden during the day.
Hi guys, there has been no progress. We are on day 4 of daily vitamin B and so far the hens condition seems to be the same; unable to walk and resting on hocks and curled toes.

No more eggs either since the last one on Day2.
She seems to be eating OK, I am feeding 2 eggs a day along with regular chicken feed.

I am just conscious of how long it will take to see an improvement as we are on day5 now without any improvemnt and it maybe a time to perhaps consider the inevitable :(
Day6 update and we have another egg. However hen seems to be in the same condition:(

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