She is gone. DONE WITH HER

My friend had a hen like that, she was mean to all her other chickens even rooster.
My friends wanted her out of the flock, so I took her.

I have not had a problem with her. she is best friends with my hens now.
I guess your hen may need a different flock, like my friends hen.

she is now really happy, and really nice to my hens.
Maybe you see if there's another denomination that wants her

signed a Mennonite girl

I know, I read that thinking, "Why would a Mennonite want a mean hen...? lol Maybe give her to a biker gang somewhere, they can turn her into a Biker Chick
Maybe you see if there's another denomination that wants her

signed a Mennonite girl

I know, I read that thinking, "Why would a Mennonite want a mean hen...? lol Maybe give her to a biker gang somewhere, they can turn her into a Biker Chick

I see I left the word should out of my original post.....Maybe you should see.......

I'm a Mennonite and I certainly wouldn't have any use for a mean hen.....nor would any other Mennonite that I know.

I like the biker chick idea!
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I have a nasty hen that is currently sitting with the roos in the cull pen, egg eater, bully, and pain in my butt! RIR hen too, I have come to discover I just don't enjoy that breed.
My RIR is our head chicken. She's good at tending the flock, and she's the most tame of all our girls. When we're out with them she'll come up to us for petting.
Maybe you should see if there's another denomination that wants her

signed a Mennonite girl

Oh, Katy! All those beautiful chickens you have, and you're Mennonite, too? I'm going to be guilty of stereotyping here, for just a moment - but if you have the recipe (because, obviously, all Mennonites cook exactly the same, duh!) for those most-fabulous-ever cinnamon rolls I grew up eating, the ones with the thick wonderful goopy filling and the amazing diabetes-inducing frosting, the ones that Cinnabon would love to be able to make - then it will be official - you'll be my favorite person evuh.

Meanwhile, I'll content myself to lusting after your SLW and LavOrps. Mostly. And hoping for the cinnamon bun recipe. But mostly adoring your birds, and watching for you to auction.

(no offense meant, it's just that cinnamon rolls are the first thing I think of whenever I hear "Mennonite")
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