She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

I sold them! To the second person that asked. He comes and says, I bought a sizzle rooster from you. I love him! Yaay..he just lives up the canyon from us. It was from the KSL add.
Glad you got yours sold too!

One of my oldest (long term speaking) friends, she was like my little sister from the time I was 16, and I seldom ever see each other because her kids are the spawn of SATAN. No lie. Can't stand them. I watched her son at the age of 4 or 5 throw a fit because she wouldn't make him schocolate chip cookies while I was there and call her a (first word begins with F second word begins with B)... I was ready to kill the kid. Last time I visited. That was 8 years ago. She has stopped by my house once or twice a year since then, but we don't even talk on the phone anymore cause I couldn't handle listening to the way they spoke to her. And it's frustrating when the parent allows it.

One of my oldest (long term speaking) friends, she was like my little sister from the time I was 16, and I seldom ever see each other because her kids are the spawn of SATAN.  No lie. Can't stand them. I watched her son at the age of 4 or 5 throw a fit because she wouldn't make him schocolate chip cookies while I was there and call her a (first word begins with F second word begins with B)...  I was ready to kill the kid.  Last time I visited. That was 8 years ago. She has stopped by my house once or twice a year since then, but we don't even talk on the phone anymore cause I couldn't handle listening to the way they spoke to her. And it's frustrating when the parent allows it.
I know people like that (kids and parents) and in most cases the parent doesn't do anything about it cause they don't want to here the kid throwing a fit. I'll be d**ned, my children would be gagged and bound to a chair until further notice! And when you watch someone else's kids act like that you seriously do want to jack them up against the wall and tell them "Look here you little s**t, sit down and shut the h**l up before I give you a beating that will make your mother cry and I swear by all things holy your father will also cry when he sees what I've done to you." Or is that just me? :/
I know people like that (kids and parents) and in most cases the parent doesn't do anything about it cause they don't want to here the kid throwing a fit. I'll be d**ned, my children would be gagged and bound to a chair until further notice! And when you watch someone else's kids act like that you seriously do want to jack them up against the wall and tell them "Look here you little s**t, sit down and shut the h**l up before I give you a beating that will make your mother cry and I swear by all things holy your father will also cry when he sees what I've done to you." Or is that just me?
The father was 1/2 the reason the kids thought it was ok to talk and treat their mother that way. Her lack of action came 1/2 from being afraid of social services and 1/2 of really just not knowing how to parent.
Not just you. I used to get people's kids to break them of whining. I can't stand it. You give me a kid for a day and I will give you back a non-whiner.

Some people just don't know how. The TV shows and movies etc don't show good parenting.

My 8 are grown and I have a dozen grands. The kids that gave everybody else trouble still visit me. DH was a father figure to a lot of kids.
So I'm making a prediction on my broody situation: If this lasts to hatch I am saying 3 or 4 will hatch. There's 8 in there. 2 different ones have been kicked out at two different times and I slipped them back in, but I'm pretty certain, they will be two that won't make it. I think one is cracked too. Not oozing cracked, but hairline fracture cracked. Should hatch around Oct 7th if it lasts. So far she's staying steady and they have 3 FULL days of incubation.
I know people like that (kids and parents) and in most cases the parent doesn't do anything about it cause they don't want to here the kid throwing a fit. I'll be d**ned, my children would be gagged and bound to a chair until further notice! And when you watch someone else's kids act like that you seriously do want to jack them up against the wall and tell them "Look here you little s**t, sit down and shut the h**l up before I give you a beating that will make your mother cry and I swear by all things holy your father will also cry when he sees what I've done to you." Or is that just me? :/

My friends know that I am good with handling kids and fits. I don't have to be mean....I just make them think. Very sneaky about it bUT it works. I would stand for a kid acting that way for sure. There is no way in *ell I would let my kids act that way at a play group. They will come home and have to have a talk with the "Paula Deen spoon".
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Up until today I was a firm believer in not disciplining another persons child. I actually had to yell at this girl several times today. I asked her to be quiet because the baby was crying and she started screaming, on purpose. Screaming! What the heck! Either really bad parenting or she has issues, or both. I've had different kids, from all different backgrounds come over and for the most part they have always been nice and polite. Not her. And she did open the chicken run and grab a chicken!! Never again!!

So I'm making a prediction on my broody situation: If this lasts to hatch I am saying 3 or 4 will hatch. There's 8 in there. 2 different ones have been kicked out at two different times and I slipped them back in, but I'm pretty certain, they will be two that won't make it. I think one is cracked too. Not oozing cracked, but hairline fracture cracked. Should hatch around Oct 7th if it lasts. So far she's staying steady and they have 3 FULL days of incubation.

I meant to ask you about her, like 3 times today and I kept forgetting! I hope she lasts the next 18 days!!! :)

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