She's killing me.

Yours is just such a ball of fluff.:) It was fast the baby molt started and a couple days later the combs got red and Lulu went all Korean soap opera on me. Bad thing is the older hens are all molting and the cockrel is still scared of everything so he isn't having a good time with these psycho women. It's just a real hoot out there.
Thanks for the tip, I should try that with my grey, she's been laying eggs for several weeks now!
The 12 hour day is normal at the equator, where African Greys come from. But, some things I have read say they are still sensitive to light intensity, and lay more in brighter environments. Try dimming the room lights a few hours a day, like a tropical monsoon rainstorm does. Determined layers need extra calcium, I give her large oyster shells for her to chew, and cuttle bones. Bird hormones are controlled by light, and some people are very affected. Seasonal Affective Disorder is what SAD stands for, people in Seattle complain of the dark rainy days that depress them.
Chicken hens need long days to lay -- at least 14 hours of light. After the summer solstice, day length begins to shorten, and that shorter every day light, even if it is still longer than 14 hours, tells them fall is coming. That signal just as they get old enough to begin lay, could cause them to be unhappy! For more eggs, lots of people keep a light in the coop. For the beautiful blond teenage Faverolles, light like a midsummer night's dream could help! Wake those teenagers up at 4:00 am and they might be ready to go to bed at dark!
Well the normal one has crossed over to the dark side. I've had to physically put my hands on her to have her cooperate with anything I need her to do. Dinner in the run had to pick her up and carry her, time to go in the coop yep carry her again. She can walk but she would rather stand and grumble. I tried waiting her out at dinner after ten minutes I gave up and just carried her to the bowl. Good news the little cockrel has figured out the head biting thing, bad news that's as far as he's got. Little weirdo is still the easiest one to deal with, these are some seriously odd birds.
Love this thread! Feel quite reassured, this is the first time I've experienced a pullet with PMS and the behaviour is rather astounding!
Dear Lord if they did I'd clean the shelves. It's like in an instant you've got a different chicken. I went from having my sweet little Tucks this morning to a girl that sounds like a cartoon character cussing that absolutely refuses to move. The thing is the more I talked the more she grumbled, I shut up quick so I didn't get hurt. I'm sorry you're going down the PMS path as well.

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