Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

lindz, it's a bit early, but the chick in question looks an awful lot like my Barney when he was a bitty thing.

it's snowing here. so... naturally, we had a party!

3 meat pizza's from the Dollar General, buck apiece and I had a coupon... topped with grape tomatoes, and chopped up pepper, cucumber, strawberries and apple

I've still got to go out one more time for eggs, but I have 4 from the Fosters, and 8 from the Dome so far.
Lindz I think that chick is at that awkward stage where it's hard to tell. When my babies were 1-3 days old I could tell a big difference in the feathering but it's getting harder and harder to see a difference. I marked a few I'm pretty sure are males but now it's wait and see for mine. Cute chick though!
lindz, it's a bit early, but the chick in question looks an awful lot like my Barney when he was a bitty thing.

Originally Posted by mortie

Lindz I think that chick is at that awkward stage where it's hard to tell. When my babies were 1-3 days old I could tell a big difference in the feathering but it's getting harder and harder to see a difference. I marked a few I'm pretty sure are males but now it's wait and see for mine. Cute chick though!

I know its early.... but its always fun to try and guess! By comparing the 3, this is the only one with any amount of a ridge where the comb will be..... So I'm guessing I have either 2 girls and a boy, or 2 boys and a girl....... I'm hoping for the 2 girls! I spent a little bit of time down there just sitting there talking to them. They still act like I am a huge monster and crowd into the corner! LOL...
well... there were no more eggs, so I have a dozen. ran into my cousin when I was running errands after work, he's going to stop up later to get a few dozen eggs. I'm pooped, so I hope he doesn't stay long... he's a chatterbox.

lindz, I love guessing, you know I do.
Yeah it is fun to guess. I have guesses on mine but not according to their combs...more with the feathering. Who knows if that is even accurate for their breed. Can't wait to see your chicks grow! How old are they?
So okay get this. I'm watcing my chickies after having raised the lamp a bit because it was getting a little warmer than I wanted in the box and I turned the heat lamp off so I could admire their true colors for a few minutes. After 5 minutes or so I went to turn it back on and the switch was BROKEN! I couldn't turn it back on!


Hubby tried to fix it but nooooooo. We found another fixture to plug the heat bulb in for now but I need to book it to the store to get another one so I can use the reflector and because this particular unit usually is in use somewhere else. ARGH!!!!!!!
Ok, opinions? Boy or girl? It has a very thin ridge of a comb.
What a cutie. I vote boy because of the width of the bumps. But really
. The eyeliner makes them look feminine.
Keep posting pics of them. I love to see how they develop their colors.

CLindz, the fact that Harley acts like a chick makes him even CUTER!!!!

Cheeka, your chickens eat better than some children I've taught. (Lunchables, sugary yogurt, and chocolate milk or soda. Everyday. Nary a fruit or veggie to be seen!)
So okay get this. I'm watcing my chickies after having raised the lamp a bit because it was getting a little warmer than I wanted in the box and I turned the heat lamp off so I could admire their true colors for a few minutes. After 5 minutes or so I went to turn it back on and the switch was BROKEN! I couldn't turn it back on!


Hubby tried to fix it but nooooooo. We found another fixture to plug the heat bulb in for now but I need to book it to the store to get another one so I can use the reflector and because this particular unit usually is in use somewhere else. ARGH!!!!!!!

mortie, you can make a warmer out of a heating pad if you have one around. Attach it to a wire grill or something and put it up on some legs so they can go under. It will act like an Ecoglo and be more like a mama without the glaring light. Heat lamps make me nervous without a ceramic fixture.

I'll try to find some pics for you.

This person is trying to mimic a broody hen with a heating pad and is hatching chicks and will brood them also. Pics here.
Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins.... - Page 82

Sorry, can't get the link to work. I'll keep trying.

5th time's a charm!

Scroll down the whole page for pics and ideas.
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