Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Omg I absolutely love reading everyone's posts!! I got 2 today from Ninja and Lacy so that was awesome although they lay between 2-4 hrs apart and of course I don't wait until the eve to gather so that means 2 trips to the boxes for me
!! How do I wait for the 8-10 weekers to start laying??? Ugh!!!

Only 2 trips to the nest boxes?
Just wait. Pretty soon you will have even more chances to hear the egg song and go check for treasures.

Between the four of us, our nest boxes must be checked 5 or 6 times a day. The hens all say sheesh, no privacy!
The heritage are all in the older set. Both roosters, the EE, and the BCM. Okay, 2 younger ones are BCM babies, so they are heritage too. Yup. the five Marans (heritage) 2 BR (one was broody last year, and she is the friendliest hen) one Gold Buff is my investigator. She can stay. The Marans rooster is the better husband and quieter crow. The mix is welcome because I like the Partridge so much, and she is young (also fits in with the BCMs)
I really like the Partridge Rocks. They are so beautiful in a quiet way. But, they are in the older set. I wanted the JG because I am from NJ. They are brooders too. But they aren't exciting to me. They are actually my most forgettable breed. The PR, GB, RIR, JG and BR were all born 7/16/12.
Okay, my mind is mushy.. Night all! Thanks for the opinions!
If I do this right, I may not need to spend time at the bird swap! I need to find the person that wanted my 4 GLW, but never sent me a PM, and I lost them.
Someone nearby just asked for my Am rooster, and maybe the EE hen.
The guy that is running the swap wants my Leghorns. I said I was bringing 2, but he would probably take all 4 if I wanted to sell them all. The swap is $10 to sell anything. $15 to get a yearly membership, and that means all swaps are free to sell at, and I get a book of every member with contact info and (gulp!) a list of all of their birds. Enabler porn!
If I am just selling to him, I don't think he will make me pay the $$.
Well, let me see how the other customers go. I can handle cutting back only 8-10. As I said, I have sold a few others.

Then you can get more chickens:lau.
Linda we met briefly before I returned to work. Nice to see so many people still here. W4w thank you and I am going for some BCM (waited almost 2 years for these eggs) and I am also going for some project or ping tons from kraft lady on here. She sold me the Rhode bar and cream legbar eggs I had such good results with last year. My son's school is getting the incubator and I have 2 bloodied getting the rest. Will be the first time I try a broody . One of them is fairly young too .

Cheeka and ok so nice to see you both, look forward to catching up.

MC don't cut back....keep the addiction. Tell hubby how sad it will be without them . Actually my husband is the reason I am back on here. The family begged me to leave my job and go back to the chickens and the gardens . It's amusing to have my husband rooting for me to buy eggs.

You are an evil enabler.
Linda we met briefly before I returned to work. Nice to see so many people still here. W4w thank you and I am going for some BCM (waited almost 2 years for these eggs) and I am also going for some project or ping tons from kraft lady on here. She sold me the Rhode bar and cream legbar eggs I had such good results with last year. My son's school is getting the incubator and I have 2 bloodied getting the rest. Will be the first time I try a broody . One of them is fairly young too .

Cheeka and ok so nice to see you both, look forward to catching up.

MC don't cut back....keep the addiction. Tell hubby how sad it will be without them . Actually my husband is the reason I am back on here. The family begged me to leave my job and go back to the chickens and the gardens . It's amusing to have my husband rooting for me to buy eggs.

DH is telling me to keep them all, and get more! I am the one that wants to downsize. Though I don't think it is downsizing when I am selling half my chicken flock to raise turkeys. They are certainly not smaller! Oh, you haven't seen my new babies!
The Broad Breasted Whites then and now (7 weeks).

And the Bourbon Reds (3 weeks)

The heritage are all in the older set. Both roosters, the EE, and the BCM. Okay, 2 younger ones are BCM babies, so they are heritage too. Yup. the five Marans (heritage) 2 BR (one was broody last year, and she is the friendliest hen) one Gold Buff is my investigator. She can stay. The Marans rooster is the better husband and quieter crow. The mix is welcome because I like the Partridge so much, and she is young (also fits in with the BCMs)
I really like the Partridge Rocks. They are so beautiful in a quiet way. But, they are in the older set. I wanted the JG because I am from NJ. They are brooders too. But they aren't exciting to me. They are actually my most forgettable breed. The PR, GB, RIR, JG and BR were all born 7/16/12.
Okay, my mind is mushy.. Night all! Thanks for the opinions!
Where in nj? i am also from nj, camden co south jersey, lived there until retired, could not pay taxes with s.s so we came to delaware.
South Orange/Newark
and Rockaway/Dover

House was in the first town, but church (and most of my time) was in the second.
Several siblings are still/back in NJ, including South Jersey. I miss going to the beach. DH hates the beach.
Speaking of getting rid of chickens...

I have 5 red pullets. I need to get down to two. How do I pick my two? Who is the most friendly? Who is the biggest? Looks aren't an issue bceause they all look the same. Who seems to get along with other chickens? How do I pick?
I would go and buy some eggs. Their pull-it-bullets (as I call them) will not be eating worthy until the hen grows. Better safe then sorry!

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