Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

depends on how "lifelike" you want her to be... it'd be hard work to wipe the snarl off her beak
In another year I bet SHE won't have a beak. It can't last the way SHE pecks all day like a woodpecker. Poor thing has a eating disorder. "Don't bother me while I am eating dis order of scratch"
Thank you for the compliments. I needed the affirmation.

OK, glad you are getting good egg numbers. Give me your address, my husband is in KY until morning with a 53 foot refrigerator/freezer. He can steal get some venison off you.
Anyone else already tired of the cold temps? I never did get the heater ready for the waterer. So we know what I will be doing tomorrow!
I am up to about 8 eggs/day (7 last week) and I got a new customer yesterday. I will also be selling to the hunters next door. They hunt everything (even squirrel) and are older, so they also hunt during the special senior season. I have to be careful with the chickens, though. They are dog trainers, and the hunting dogs occasionally run onto my property. Very rare, but it only takes once.
Mid November during modern gun deer season he could fill that truck up with deer around here that people would be glad to give him.
Roger and Wilma need to join an Overeating Anonymous Support Group. except they'd probably eat the other members...
Three Step BR Overeaters Anonymous Support Group.

#1 Admit That You Are Powerless Over PIE

# 2 Beat Everybody Else To It

#3 Eat As Much As Your Crop Can Hold To Help Other Members With Their Addiction
Got off late, attempted to get a few pics of the new crew...even new roo was out...but hubby decided to kidnap me and make a run to tsc. Apparently, he was planning to buy me an early bday present, lol. Too bad the incubator stock was depleted!
According to the thermometer in the coop It is 59* out there with the heat lamp on. I really hope the little ones are ok. Will go out in a couple of hours to check on them. Rogue is crowing his head off this morning. Everyone keep warm today! It's going to CHILLY out!
first frost as predicted... Chester's water dish in the yard by his line had a thin layer of ice... so did the Bachelor Pens... and Peach. but not in the dome. their water is really cold, but it's not frozen... and it was 59* in the house when I got up to get the furnace running. not bad.

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