Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I am guessing ----- do you have one of those little cheap incubators that holds about 42 eggs----or what kind or size? Did it come with a fan ? the little ones need the temps about 101 deg.s at top part of egg if laying on side-------the temp. of the center of egg should be about 99.5 then ----the temp of the center of egg is the main thing. If you have a cabinet incubator and fan went out sometimes you can put a small fan from something else in and maybe save the hatch these get hot in the upper part when fans go out. sometimes a fan out of a old microwave old ref. or freezer or even a small mini fan can work to move air--CAUTION CAPATORS HOLD A LOT OF CHARGE AND WORKING AROUND THEM CAN BE DANGERES.--------measures to prevent baby chicks hatching and getting in fan -to think about. realy need more information to tell you any better. also the little computer fans might work if you have one laying around those maybe -----dc --I think?

Just got the 7th egg of the day! So I guess we will call it for the day! The girls got pie and had a good dust bath so they are happy I think

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