Show Off Your American Gamefowl and Chat Thread!!!

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I see. I do not free-range a bunch of adult males in same location. I can do maybe two on a six acre patch if can keep them on opposite sides of the six acres and even then there is some risk. The free-ranging, that is what walks are for. Cheap way produce young with acceptable level of risk. Problem is suitable locations for walks not a abundant since most farmers switched away from diversified operations. Control for me means a lot more oversight. With a walk, drop off birds in spring and harvest young and broodfowl in late summer. Maybe check once or twice mid-season.

Feed bill also much higher with total control.
Right about the feed bill lol.
what I meant Was like a general freerange of basically a flock or one casually walking past a penned one
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We have already determined that it is not possible to free range adult "game" fowl if they can see other roosters. I don't give a d*mn if they are usually 300 yds away eventually they will wander close enough and tear themselves up.
I started with over 45 stags running loose. I now have 4. Some penned, most culled. The 4 left are all less than 6 months and 2 are a little over 4 months.
That is what I call an expensive way of doing things, since they all got the same feed, vitamins, care etc..
If any penned roosters are in with hens they will eventually make some noise and draw the attention of any loose birds and all h*ll should break loose.
Sorry to hear that.  I like to have birds out on the yard, but they take turns.  Pens all have lower boards so no pen fights so far.  Everyone has to figure out a system that works for them.
i put them on tie cords. I will usually take out 3 or 4 birds whenever I can. But I rarely let one loose unless my wife is out with me. Can't even run in the house to take a leak or I'd come back to a mess otherwise.
I think it's important to get them out of the pens as often as I can. They'll go crazy otherwise.
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