Show Off Your American Gamefowl and Chat Thread!!!

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I know this isn't what you want to hear but you may want to consider putting the bird down. It's not always easy but sometimes it's the right thing to do especially for the chicken.
anyone know the breed of this gamebird? Sorry for the annoying question but i cant find her anywere online found one that looked like her being called a BRB black? The old man wgo gave me her called her suerra any help would be great fpr a beginner. btw 4 days into my batch of ganefowl eggs hopefully all of them hatch!
I am nearing the end of line-breeding for three lines based on four birds. Three of the four represent picks I got from my brothers yard where each came from a different line. The fourth was also of one of the lines on hen side (actual hen not known other than she is from a particular line and of a group of full sibling sisters) but father was a very old battle cross so old he had trouble flying up to roost on front tractor tire. I am into generation three of breeding back to the three birds and something cool is coming out of it. The three source lines were easy to tell apart on my brothers place and the three pures from those lines are representative. The birds started with a one cock and two hens from the pure lines and a bullstag from the other. Both hen were bred to both males in series within year one and cock was bred to both hens. From that I made sublines based on each cross bred back to those three key birds. The first generation from two years back where all over the place looks wise but now in generation three the pullets look very much like hens from the cock's parental line and stags are similar to cocks of their respective mother hen's lines even though each line I have currently has two parents that were used for initial outcrossing of line-breeding effort. I can no longer tell by looks alone what outbreeding source great-grandparent was used. Next year I am going to have one more round of line-breeding which will then involve going for numbers. From those numbers I am going to test full sibling matings to see which produce good hatch of vital young chicks that grow up strong, uniformly capable offspring. Pairs that produce best will be kept to replace the original founders I started with that will then be retired. Then I will have the fun process of trying to freshen lines in part by making crosses between them and then looking into quality males I can get from outside. Doing latter must be done with care to avoid disrupting good gene complexes that took much longer than I invested to develop.
wondering if someone could give a hand identifying this hen. I was told it was a McLean hatch. Any info would be great. Thanks
wondering if someone could give a hand identifying this hen. I was told it was a McLean hatch. Any info would be great. Thanks
Typically McLean hatch hens are not grey colored, but brown. Males are typical Black Breasted Reds.

She may be McLean hatch crossed with grey.

I have hatch hens that look like this.
Do you have any claret available?? Looking for trio white legged (red wine)
Do you have any clarets available? Very interested on a Trio? Any body? Have Madigan Clarets (red wine white legged)
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