Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

Only thing I know is different this year is heavy early rain and late summer early winter Dry Dry Dry . Can't think of anything else LOL
In the beginning I thought we had bad mites or something but turned out just bad molt.
Same here. The State Vet came out to do testing the 1st week oct. for AI and to ck over them no bugs jut a bad molt.
Ok here is my baby roo we haven't named him yet but does anyone have some name suggestions???


Wow, it took a few weeks, but I managed to get through all 1,268 pages of this thread, and what an education! I wanted to learn as much as possible about the Dels because our large ACE Hardware store started selling chicks about six months ago. They only get a small batch of 25 sexed chicks every week which are Dels and Ameraucanas (I believe from Privett Hatchery). I know they're not the real deal, but I only want about 4-6 for a small backyard flock for entertainment and eggs. They are kept in a very beautifully designed brooder divided in half for the two breeds and is kept very clean. I think the employees pay too much attention and spoil them, and they're not skittish...LOL! They even have a whole aisle dedicated to poultry, including supplies, feed and a small library. Their conditions are better than some stores that just dump hundreds of chicks in a big ben and not monitored. Someone is always close at hand.

I chose the Dels because I can readily get these without the worries of shipping, which is why I chose to read this entire thread. Maybe having some "pseudo" Dels is better than having none at all. I'm glad to see folks are still working on this breed and maybe I'll have some by next year, even if I have to make that long 10-minute drive over to ACE to get what they have for now. I live in a modern HOA neighborhood where chickens are permitted, but would like to get back to my farmboy memories back in the 60's.

The knowledge shared here is truly awesome, and you probably touched more lives than you'll ever know, and I truly appreciate all that was shared here, especially the genetics aspect of it all. I'd like to share my preliminary design for a run, basically a modified dog kennel, coop is still up in the air. --BB

Bobby Basham
Tucson, Arizona

Well, hello there, Bobby!

Good luck with your Dels. I am sure you will enjoy them.

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