Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

It's been raining here off and on for two days. I haven't seen much of any of my birds.
We need a two-week dry spell to dry out!
Well if you must know. Went to Trumansburg to a used book store. Can you imagine someone using a perfectly good barn for used books? In fact there were three old barns and none had chickens. Honestly I have no idea what this world is comming to. Stopped for a picnic and an icecream. Saturday.
Sunday went to SIL parents in the North country for a cook out. Only the second time we've seen them since my DD and SIL have met. First meeting was at the wedding. They only live 30min away. This after church in the am.

So today SIL and DD called to take us to lunch and I got a little closer to my SIL, literally. As we were walking through the mall, I saw two pennies on the floor. As I bent over to pick them up SIL rammed me in the butt. LOL Apparently he's a tailgater. LOL Only a few people saw it. We laughed like fools and wished we had got it on tape.

As for Dels. The broodies are all out in the yard with the chicks. Got Frenchy the Friz with two Del chicks. One I think is a roo. Buff a BO has two chicks one is a Del and the other a Del cross. No idea the sex. Two othe broodies have either BR's or crosses. They aren't Dels so who cares?

Chicks from Speckledhen eggs are getting a little friendlier. I pet them almost every night when I close up. One has a five pointer and I noticed one of my Western NY girls has too. Hope they stay healthy til I can get some eggs from their pairing.

Speckledhen the hen that I posted about seems to be OK. She's still kicking and won't let me pick her up. I did find an egg eaten in the area where I last saw her, before she started feeling better. Hope she is ok but time will tell.

Still have chicks to sell but not selling Dels anymore. May have to replace all hens with Delawares. Except for my Lavender Ameraucanas, some Frizzles, and EE's.

Haven't posted it but had another death in the family. Uncle previously, neices son this time. As you know the bible says trouble comes to visit but doesn't say trouble comes to stay. Trouble visits us all now and then.

On a more positive note the son of a friend I've has for years was in church on Sunday. It was good to see him. He grew up and went to school with my children. He had stopped coming a few years ago. Can't tell you how happy I am he is back. Pray he stays.

So that's it. Hope you all have a good week.

It is so nice to hear from you, and get updated. I always enjoy your posts. Wish I had been at the mall to see that incident!
A barn without chickens? That's against the law, isn't it? Well, it is a crime anyway .... a cryin' shame. Hope all is well there, with you and your chicken family.

I have had company for a few days. All the kids and grandkids came down, from Iowa. It was so nice to see them all. I was so upset when I realized I was on the on-call list (while I am on vacation), and the night nurse called in sick. So, I had to go to work 11PM - 7AM on Saturday night. I was a zombie Sunday. I am sure I was not much fun for the family. I slept about 6 hours in 3 days, off and on. Kids played in the pool, fished and boated in the pond, jumped on the trampoline, used colored chalk on the pavement, and played with the Delawares. Boy, are they full of energy!
This ol grandma couldn't keep up with all of them!

Sold lots of chicks the past few days. I got to meet Julie (Jubaby) and her husband from Texas and Trisha (averytds) from Kansas, when they both came over on Saturday. We had chicken business, ya know! Another girl from my town came over today. She is also a BYCer, but I forgot her user ID. I am thinking she may join us on this thread, since I pawned off some Delaware chicks on her.
Very sweet young lady, and enthusiastic about her poultry. I also gave her a broody and some eggs. Broody # 4 now gone. I still have one (Jersey Giant) that I think I am gonna keep for now. DAFox took 2 broodies with their chicks. A local (newbie to the chicken world) took the other broody and 6 Delaware chicks. She comes out to my house and absolutely loves the Delawares. She was so excited.

Cyn, all that rain I have been having must have made it to you. I am telling you, I am sick to death of it, and all the mud holes, etc!!!!! It has been dry and sunny the past few days; in the 80s.

Hope you all had an enjoyable holiday weekend. Our flags have been blowing in the wind, as I give thanks to all of our veterans, alive and lost. I do not take our freedoms lightly, and I know I would not be enjoying my life without the sacrifices of our vets.
Well, I took a stay-at-home vacation. DH went to FL to see his youngest, and I opted out of the world for a few days- the TV has NOT been on once since DH left, and I love it. I popped in here once in a while to see if anything was happening, but not like usual.

Lizzie and I sat in the Dellie run today - she is moving "OK" and can run enough to escape a bad pecking. She has spent daytime in a little pen that is right up against the Dellie run, so I thought that an up close and personal visit was in order. Eleanor gave her a little grief, Lizzie gave Alice a little grief, then it seemed pretty peaceful- Luke and Ultrasuede ignored her. So I left the run for a few minutes, only to hear horrid squawking, and it seems the minute my back was turned, Luke decided a little rooster rape was in order. He flattened her, and she was laying there with her mouth open, so I took her back out and into her porch pen. Supervised visits only for a little while longer- she seemed very happy to leave.

I continue to laff myself silly over the antics of the BBS Orp girls, who sure out- diva any soprano's I have ever known. The three older girls are like nasty middle school girls picking on the little second graders- so they are still separated. I figure another month or two and Silk and Satin will have caught up- aren't they about as big as they will get height wise by 18-20 weeks? I think the older girls will be 4 months old in another week- ???

Cynthia, today is the only rainy day we have had, you seem to have gotten a lot more- DH's car decided to fall apart in FL, he is towing it home tomorrow, and I hope the rain quits- he is coming up from Pensecola, through AL and GA. In a VERRA bad mood.

Kathy, I am glad to hear you are moving some of your chickens- I hope you get your numbers down to where you are comfortable - I bet it has been fun meeting people.

Tim, you are a hoot- I agree about the barns- they all need horses and chickens. Sort of like I look at people's vast expanse of lawn and figure it should really be horse pasture.
Kathy, sure wish I was close enough to buy some of your Dels. Are you almost down to the numbers you want or do you still have a ways to go?

I traveled to KY to visit my DD and SIL and had a blast. We went antiqueing (is that a word) in Lexington. found lots of things but no space in the Smart car to bring them home. Cetawin, only a little further and I could have come to meet you, but alas, time is short.

Came home to find that my DS took wonderful care of all of the animals, and has even trained three of the chickens to fly up onto his arm when he stands in the pen. He trys to act like he doesn't like them but I know the truth

Today I made a few adjustments to my coop. I found that all of the chickens were spending the night on the flat board on top of the nesting boxes, so I put a slanted roof on top to keep them off of that spot. Now the only place for them to spend the night off of the floor of the coop is on their roosts. Lets see if they use them
It would be so much easier to clean the coop if they would just roost where they are supposed to. I also changed all of the litter in the coop so they are all set for the week. It has been raining a lot here too and the ground in the pen is a mushy mess. I tried spreading some straw today to dry it up a little. I guess we are not at risk of drought this year....... Still expecting a thunder storm tonight. When will it end.

Hope everyone has a great week
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Hi everyone
Rain here too and a mucky mess in the run. I hate that.
Cyn, I went out and Stormy was actually attacking the girls when he mates. I had noticed some feathers broken but not like this. He actually bites them and sort of jerks them really hard. I doctored two of my girls. He has to find a new home.
Kathy My Dels from Scott are so cute. I think I have a threesome. One male and two females. I hope the male roos are not so hard on their girls as my brother to Thor, Stormy. He is getting mean to his girls, not me though.
I have what I think is another male coming up from Stormy. I will keep him for awhile and see how it goes.
Beth I lazyed out here too. I had this terrible congestion like Cetawin. I have to have a root cannal Tues. The tooth has about killed me for months now . They tried crowning but did not stop the awful icepick pain. My hb has been great. He has taken good care of the girls water and feed. Also built me an additon to my addition on the coop complex to house the Dels. If I decide to breed them. Did I say if. You know I will want to hatch out some to go with my Three I hatched from Scott. They are so precious. I looked in just before dark and two were on her back, two rocks were peeping from under her in various places.; the others puttering about her sides.
Cetawin I hope you are better of this stuff. Gloria Jean
Cyn, I went out and Stormy was actually attacking the girls when he mates. I had noticed some feathers broken but not like this. He actually bites them and sort of jerks them really hard. I doctored two of my girls. He has to find a new home.

That is highly unusual for an Orp rooster, Gloria Jean! His daddy is an angel. Not sure what to make of it, but I'm sorry he's being a butthead.

We are so, so sick of the wet muck around here! My place drains well, but hasn't had a chance to dry out for days.​
Cyn, I wonder if he has gotten worse because his girl Misty is mothering her brood? If so I will put her back in there and mother the little sweet brood myself. They are almost three weeks old anyway. He does not have big spurs. It is all claws and beak. Poor little sweet Emma my barred rock from you is usually his most picked on for awhile. I thought it was a size thing but now its done to all. He is gentle to me if a bit skidish. He will take food and drop it calling the girls too. I just don't understand these out right rapes he is into lately. Gloria Jean
Gloria Jean...that sounds like odd behavior for a son of Suede. Thor can be "insistent" when they have said NO too much but I have never once seen him aggressive or hurtful. He actually misses sometimes and it is as if he thinks he has been trying to get settled on her back too long and he just lets her get up. Very gentlemanly for the most part, especially with his smaller girls like Cannonball and Tonks....he is very gentle and undemanding. He has not tried to mate Cannonball in about 2 weeks and she is with him constantly. I am sorry your boy is being such a snot...shold I have Thor call him and tell him how to behave? I try to keep them away from the phone as much as possible because they tend to call their grandma in Georgia and tell her how mean I am to them...but I will let Thor call you boy and set him straight.

I am still coughing like a fiend but the infection is nearly gone...I am stabbing my backside with the third pencillin injection before bed tonight...I SHALL CONQUER THIS SINUS INFECTION way or the other.

I have been quite busy in between my coughing, nose blowing the two travel coops cleaned out, the garage and the garage floor scrubbed, the back patio scrubbed down and I am gearing up for the poultry swap down the road next weekend. Woot...I am getting lavender orp girls for Thor and *looking for DH* ssssssshhhhhhh a couple silkie babies. ssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh I say. I need a good broody and Chy wants silkies and well there you have it. My plan is for them to mysteriously appear in the in "Oops honey...look what she accidentially left here, she is going to be soooooooooo upset....and she has gone back to TN....I have to keep them now

yes yes it is not the WHOLE truth and I will pay for it later....Oh I can only imagine the payment my inventive DH will come up with for the appearance of more than the 2 or 3 girls I am getting for Thor this weekend. But I can handle him.....I shall cry! Yes that is it...cry. I think I remember how to do that....pointers please? I better have a backup plan. *sigh*

Edited to add: Cetawin is a horrid liar and I will not EVEN try to lie to him or fool him. But I certainly WILL NOT tell him until after it is too late and if he does not see them....oh well.
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Hi Everyone- I hate to hear about all of your mud and rain. We are at the other extreme -extremely hot and dry. I was hopeing for a mild spring, one with spring like weather. I hope we get a little more rain. Well, you guys can send it this way, we need alittle too.
I had gotten rid of some chickens this weekend too. My flock of cochins. 3 broody hens 2 roosters, and 5 chicks and eggs too! The lady had purchased from me before and loved them so much. So, I know they are going to a good home. Also, moved my mth old Javas out to the grow up pen. Then moved the 2 batches of Dellies together. I still am wanting to get some pictures for you guys to help me pick which are the better choices to keep.
I am wanting to get another batch or 2 of Dellie eggs, does any one have any now or next mth?
Also, I have a question for everyone. Do you guys get more roos with your Dellies then any other breed? I have gotten so many roos with this breed, is that common?

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