Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

Here is a picture of Finn.

For a spare roo he's okay he's just for backup and if he's the only one well then he's a lucky should always have a back up unless you have someone close breeding Dellies too. In my case the closest person I know is urbanfarmboi (4 hrs away)if he didn't have a spare roo then I would be waiting 6 months to raise one...that would be the pits.
He's also very young, and it is my understanding that he will evolve a lot in the next 6 months. I've watched my roos go from something similar to something very different altogether.
ENABLING MISSION COMPLETE!! Amy (aka HappyMtn) just left here with 9 chicks for her and Janelle (aka Nellabean, sorry if I buggered up the spelling)

They have 4 pure Dels and 5 blue rock/del crosses that they can use to get some add't "pure" dels with a del rooster down the road. Chicks were just a week old and doing well

We'll be looking for regular picture updates ladies!!!!
Hillbillyhen- I vote keep him, he has some very nice features and it is always good to have a back up roo. I can see barring in his tail, and he is young enough to change quite considerably over the next several months. Mine changed amazingly, and I am not sure Luke has it all together yet at almost 9 months. It cannot be stressed enough that this is, in some respects, a slow maturing breed. They may lay and mate fairly early, but as for looks, they take their time.

Scott- yay for you- that takes a load off your shoulders and Nellabean and HappyMtn should have some very nice birds!

I want to see if I can clear up a slight misunderstanding about the "moderator" thing on this thread. Cynthia did not ask someone to come in and put our discussion of yesterday under review and make any decisions. She has been the moderator for this and several other threads, and under the circumstances, is handing this thread over to another moderator for the normal everyday moderation that is always going on. The moderators keep an eye equally on ALL threads, and this one is no exception. So please do not think she called in the hounds or something. She hasn't. She has simply removed herself for the time being.

So what are YOUR Dels up to today? Mine are under the maple tree in the shade, gloating, staring at the Orp girls and saying "neener, neener" to them.
My Dellies are clucking around the pen, in and out of the rain, being good little chickens.

Goliath the late March baby is still not crowing. Not so much as a chortle! Weirdo.
PLEASE PLEASE send some rain this way!! (And cooler temps....its 97 right now)

I have a splash rock roo hatched Feb 4 that still isn't crowing and isn't at all interested in the girls. On the flip side, I have some 11 week old BRs starting to crow and my 17 week old Columbian Rocks are making a terrible racket!!!


This was NOT done on purpose. My blue and splash ROCK girls are in with Pepper, my Del roo, and the Del girls. Unfortunately, I'm not good enough to tell the eggs apart, so I incubated them all. Got 4 pure dels and 5 rock/dels. Amy took them all.

Fortunately, if they chose to breed a PURE del roo back to these crosses, they will get SOME pure Delawares (some blue and black barred chicks also). Fortunately, with Dels originating from Rocks, the type shouldn't be too bad and leg color should be correct.

So, since I only had 4 pure chicks, she took the mixes too so that there would be something else to work with (if need be)

Hope that makes sense....

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