Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

I do. I am also usually hatching too, so if someone turns out to be better... the old boy gets replaced in the breeding stock. As mentioned in my rambling post... I keep alot of birds for alot of different reasons, so for me, it isnt' as big a issue to replace a breeding male with a better one. I can see how if you are limited on space and coops that it would be harder, though. I would definately keep at least two if they are your best. Sometimes things happen, knock on wood, like preditors or maybe something like dry pox (which could "slow down" your boy).
On a lighter note.... The imposter in the Del coop is gone! I really had to look hard and I took the one out who I hoped was it. And no more white eggs! Two days and not white egg. I have no idea of the cross I made to get one that laid a white egg. Weird.

And to make it even better 9 out of 10 hens are laying each day. I love my Dels.

About the yellow in the hackles-- it has to be the hot Idaho sun because I haven't fed much corn at all. He was a lovely white until this heat hit. He is however a very thoughtful and nice Roo. When I feed them he makes sure his girls eat first as he clucks to them softly. He is never rough on them and he never attacks me when I come in the coop to collect eggs.

He's a keeper. Oh and he dances!
No, I wish! It is by my own Frankenstein-ien hand that I made the wanna be Del. I tried a bunch of crosses for "meaties" and this one decided it didn't want to be eaten and disguised itself as a super layer Del LOL.

Poor girl, she is stalking the coop now that I kicked her out.
Hold that door Cyn, I'm right behind ya.

So am I ................

You are talking out of both sides of your mouth. # 1 you want to take your birds to show and win ribbons so you can sell eggs easier; but yet you say the judges are incompetent. ???? So, if you don't win, it would likely be an incompetent judge, right?

If you think most of the best breeders do not have computer access, I believe you are sorely mistaken. Almost everyone has computer access, and use it. Do you think the best breeders just do it to keep them to themselves? Do you consider yourself a breeder (or a backyard hobbyist?)? Where is the line drawn on that? You are not the only person that has to work a job as well as care for their flock. Many people do it.

I had to delete the rest of what I wrote. Enough said.​
Well, I have some catching up to do... but I don't know if I should post or not, I go into work for an hour and the whole discussion falls to pieces!

I saw your post Cynthia about the thread being under review by moderators- I think I'll just wait it out to see if they close the thread or not. I honestly don't feel as if it should be (can I say that?) I felt we were having a very constructive, passing the ball back and forth, conversation about Delawares and breeding.

Am I wrong?

I don't see how talking genetics should cause such an uproar. To my knowledge nothing was becoming heated or egocentric. Each person is entitled to their own opinion and how they will or will not run their breeding programs. I've seen some of the mess that's happened over on the Marans and Orpington threads and I have to say I have not behaved in that manner at all. I don't feel my comments need justification as to whether or not they were appropriate, from now on though I might take my genetics questions elsewhere.

Since when did intellectual conversation and questioning for clarification become inappropriate?

With that, I bow out.

ETA: I wanted to make sure this post was seen. Post #7343.

With that, I thought the conversation was brought to an end and we were all going to be moving forward. I feel it's obviously time to end this discussion, we can all agree to disagree at this point and continue forward with the other great conversations that do occur within this thread!
Hope everyone has a good night, see you all tomorrow!
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Peace, friends. I have always said that computers do humans a disservice- we only see words, we do not get to hear tones of voice or see expressions on faces. So if I say that the very first post on this thread, by Delawaregirl, shows her roo with a blue ribbon at a show, please don't take it that I am being contentious, ok?

We are all human, and we all have our own thinking and writing and communicating styles. What may appear short to one person may be someone else's assumption of having a matter of fact style.

I think we all want to breed the best Dels possible. When I bred horses, I wanted to breed the best I could, and broke my heart over the same kind of disagreements as to what constituted Arabian type, and how people interpreted the standards. If I added to any contention on this thread by offering to get APA BoD opinions, I apologize. I may sound like a ditz more often than not, but I have learned in life that if you want to know something, go to the source. The APA approved the SOP, so someone there should know what their definitions mean. If we have this kind of confusion about the subject, then the SOP needs to be more concise in it's next edition. My opinion.

This thread went through a rough spot many months ago, got cleaned up, and continued. I hope we can keep it going. It has been a lifeline for me.
Did I see on here that someone in PA breeds Dels? May I ask, where in PA are you? I'm looking to add some Dels to my flock next spring and I'd like to avoid shipping, if possible.
here's hoping the PA Dels are at my end of the state!

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