Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

in WI we have had problems with frostbite in the combs.
Always breaks my heart, but the birds really do not seem to notice.

We are working on better winter quarters for this year. We had warm spots in the coop, but roosters want to go where the hens are...

The Dels laid great right through the cold.
I am hoping my Dels lay really well through this winter, otherwise I will have one disappointed MIL!

Luckily, I guess, my coops are all small enough I could put a small light in each to keep the roost area a few degrees warmer- it does get below freezing here frequently.

Good grief, I am thinking about winter already!!!!
Already? Already? Good heavens woman! I'm nearly shaking in my shoes because I haven't gotten around to certain improvements YET and I fear that time is running out!

Thanks for all of the great encouragements about Del's and their heartiness. Usually we do have really brutal winters here. We just didn't get it this last winter. Everyone else swiped my beloved snow!!

Even though they are predicting a return to our standard brutal winter, I think things inside the coop are actually going to be much better this year. The flock is now 3 times their previous number. More bodies = more body heat!
It will be interesting if nothing else.
I love winter. It's the stressing out over preparations for it that I could do without!
I've never seen snow in my life.
We had hard frosts in Texas (before I moved to CA) but it mostly just iced over, never any real snow.

I've always wanted to live somewhere that has white winters. I'd love a White Christmas. Before I bought my home here in CA we had thought about buying in Maine, along the coast. I've heard they have some cold winters!
Oh dear me! This is not good! Kathy, I think I've found a new love of my life!....... OLIVER!!!...... Please tell me he ISN'T friendly! Tell me that he wants to bite and peck you to pieces for so much as even looking in his direction! Tell me that he's rotten to the core and that he's heading for the stew pot soon!!! I can't betray Chief with thoughts of Oliver! I can't! I can't! I just CAN'T! It would be treasonous!! It would be unfaithful!!

He really is magnificent looking, isn't he? And I'll just bet that he's a total sweetheart too, isn't he?!? *sigh* Come on Amy! Ya can't have ALL of the beautiful roos you ever see!
Amy, You would LOVE Oliver, I am sure of it! He is so sweet, and the girls just follow him around like he's King! He is a wonderful roo. I love watching him take the girls to the timber line. They take their daily dust bath there, and then they lay and sun bathe. He scratches and digs around and prepares the soft dirt for the girls. Yes, he is a sweetheart of guy!

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