Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

"'Xander, 'Xander, He's my man, If I can't have him, NO ONE CAN!"
Last edited: my untrained eye, Oliver looks more "beefy" than Alexander. Oliver is certainly handsome, but something about Alexander appeals to me. (and not just because my son is also named Alexander)

Are they the same age?
Something killed all but 1 of my Delawares last night. He is not doing well at all, his wing is really messed up and he is covered in puncture wounds.
Has anyone used Arnica? Is there something else I can do for him? They were secure(I thought) their house is next to our house inside 2 locked fences, I think it was a weasel.

Thanks, Gerbil
Gerbil, I'm so sorry for your loss. What a terrible thing to wake up to first thing in the morning!

From what you have described, my very first thought has been one of "WEASEL"! They are notorious for rampant and senseless attacks. They will kill for the sheer thrill and enjoyment of the act.

If it is a weasel, you will really need to improve your security, as they are very persistent. Once they find a place where the pickings are easy, just like a hawk, they'll be back for the free and easy meal.

Gawds! How I HATE weasels!! If all they ever did was to take one chicken and leave, it would be easier to deal with. But it's their penchant for senseless killing that makes them such an evil creature in my book. Good luck stopping it. I hope you can capture it and remove it far, far away from your home.

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