Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

I'm looking for some Delaware hens or pullets, please message me if someone can help. I live in NC.

Beautiful pics by the way!!

I have them in the breeding pen right now actually. Won't start collecting eggs until another week. I also have 3 hens I'm not breeding I would sell.
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I have a pair, I'm looking for started pullets or hens, and I am NPIP. If you have any pullets nearing poa or some extra hens, please let me know!!
I have two hatchery Delawares (Ideal). Both are undersized for what they ought to be but I think that the smaller of them was actually my first and most reliable layer. She was the first to have rooster footprints on her back (Marion should have better manners and wipe his feet).

She's the one who doesn't leave the box in a huff if I accidentally open the top while she's in it. It is, in fact, the only time I can pet her because she just hunkers down and looks annoyed that I interrupted something important.
I have 4 hens and a roo from kathynmo. I don't plan to sell any chicks etc. If later in the summer someone wants to pick up a few eggs I would let them. I am not a breeder. I just love them. I am npip and A1 clean. I was tested 4 months ago for salmonella and MS/MG they were clean for that too.. I am not sure If I will be on the coast of NC or the MTN"S of NC. Right now my family are getting my attention.. We will see where I will be later. My sales of chicks or eggs that would get picked up would be for later after some hatching on my part ,These roos and hens are nicely shaped and broader than the ideal girls Their not yet finished genetically but are getting there for sure, They have better breast shape and width of body. they seem to be a gently active bird so far.

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