Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*





So here we have one of my females that got to take a trip to my daughters school for show and tell. I gave the class 12 eggs to hatch as a school project. They spent 2 months studying eggs and hatching and chickens. One egg broke and they hatched 9 out of the remaining 11. Pretty good for first timers! On our way home the female got out of her cage and made her way over to my son. Once she got there she stayed there the whole ride home!

The male is the father. He was named The President...I don't know why, that's just what my daughter suggested and we went with it.

So here we have one of my females that got to take a trip to my daughters school for show and tell. I gave the class 12 eggs to hatch as a school project. They spent 2 months studying eggs and hatching and chickens. One egg broke and they hatched 9 out of the remaining 11. Pretty good for first timers! On our way home the female got out of her cage and made her way over to my son. Once she got there she stayed there the whole ride home!

The male is the father. He was named The President...I don't know why, that's just what my daughter suggested and we went with it.
A good education for the youngsters - Your hen will nw be waiting for the rie every time the car starts lol
Judge my young cockerel? He's 16 weeks old. Parent stock is my rooster of unknown heritage over a Braden hen. Both pics are the same boy.
That's Brutus in the foreground. I really like him!

Can you guys help me with sexing this 12 week old please. I hatched this bird on Mothers Day 2014 under a broody

I assumed that this bird was a cockerel because

a) it developed comb and wattles early
b) It came from an egg laid by a Delaware hen but she could have been covered by either a Delaware or a New Hampshire. As the chick grew there was more red leakage so I just assumed it was a Sex Link cockerel

But now I am not so sure and think it could be a Delaware pullet with quite a bit of red leakage. The comb and wattles have not continued to develop at the same rate they had is less leggy than its Delaware daddy was at the same age and it sort acts like a girl.

Thanks in advance for your help I have loved admiring the photos of all of your beautiful Dels!

The shape of the bird says hen to me

but the comb and wattles confuse me

It is a little early for saddle feathers but I see nothing but rounded tips

Here too

This VVVV is a hatchmate who acts cockerelish and stands tall.

I appreciate you taking the time to give feedback. I will be so happy if this is a pullet. Thanks

Oh and the Del parents are Braden line...If it is a SL the NH roo is hatchery.
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Can you guys help me with sexing this 12 week old please. I hatched this bird on Mothers Day 2014 under a broody

I assumed that this bird was a cockerel because

a) it developed comb and wattles early
b) It came from an egg laid by a Delaware hen but she could have been covered by either a Delaware or a New Hampshire. As the chick grew there was more red leakage so I just assumed it was a Sex Link cockerel

But now I am not so sure and think it could be a Delaware pullet with quite a bit of red leakage. The comb and wattles have not continued to develop at the same rate they had is less leggy than its Delaware daddy was at the same age and it sort acts like a girl.

Thanks in advance for your help I have loved admiring the photos of all of your beautiful Dels!

The shape of the bird says hen to me

but the comb and wattles confuse me

It is a little early for saddle feathers but I see nothing but rounded tips

Here too

This VVVV is a hatchmate who acts cockerelish and stands tall.

I appreciate you taking the time to give feedback. I will be so happy if this is a pullet. Thanks

Oh and the Del parents are Braden line...If it is a SL the NH roo is hatchery.
The second pic has some pullet character - but the waddles and comb say male - but I have been wrong before
The second pic has some pullet character - but the waddles and comb say male - but I have been wrong before

Thanks so much for taking the time to look and respond. I am now positive you are right...I contacted the breeder of the "parents". Her birds are Braden and Sand Hill and she has never had any red leakage. That means that the only explanation for all 3 of mine having it is that my NH, not my Del roo is the acrtual sire of these three and they are therefore red sex link cockerels. Their sister is a lovely red girl. Ah well they were all freezer bound regardless.

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