Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

SUNSHINE?! you got sunshine uh so not fair. what we got here is 1-2" ice and on top of that...wait for it....10-13" of snow! but little/no wind, and we got power, so I really don't mind. but I think there are more with out power state wide then there has been in the past
and I feel for them

while I would love to show off some pics, me and mom had a camera fight, so that mite have to hold off untill I get my own. To sum it up, everone but my mother trust me. she had 2 kids when she was my age, but I can't cary a camera a few yards in the snow to take 1 shot. and she could not just say no when I asked {so I could ask my grandpa for his} just go on about how she would not let me take anything arcoss the snow cuz I mite slip, untill I lost the light - I was going to paint it. don't get me wrong, I love my mother, and she has done a lot for me, but she can be sooo rude, and I don't know why. It hurt my feeling more then it made me mad. I'd move out, but if I stay at home I mite have enough money save to go to school this fall.
We had been getting along every well too...
ok I feel better now

My boys are sissy when it comes to the snow. they just hudle at the door and look at me like ''why are you out there???" the pullets will go in and out a little though. and I found out why I thought they where not crowing, they are quite crowers. lol a few days befor the snow me and one of my bothers were working out back when we heard them, there is now why you would pick that up over the tv/cd/dogs/washer....
And while noone is laying yet, they are all looking very growen up
the boys are looking better then I would have hoped for hatchery stock, but Tank
size, color, comb is all looking good. I think he has 5 points, if he does one is a sorty in the frount. it has always looked like he had a ripple/bummp befor the points, but now it's looking more ponity it's self. both girl look like they have 7?
but I'll see what comes of it. I'm going to keep both boys, but I mite only use Tank for Del breeding, and let Tonka have the layer ladys.

well don't do too much ploting while I'm away {
yeah right!}
Thanks Cyn!

Good morning everyone. We've had 2 full days of bright sunny days here in CA. It's a little chilly, but at least the sky isn't still falling.
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My Delaware cockeral with one of his favorite pullets. They were enjoying an afternoon of freeranging.

These were hatched last Spring from seriousbill eggs. I culled and culled and chose him for for my breeding pens for this Spring, along with four girls that I thought to best meet the Standards. Happy to report all are happy and laying up a storm....and eggs developing in the incubator.

You have to love the Delawares....such a joy to own.


Shannon was sledding on the hill right outside my bedroom window today. I'm a bit under the weather so I'm sitting here on the bed with my laptop watching her. She decided to slide down on her back with the dog on her stomach, sans sled. She came running back up the hill and tapped on my slider.... turns out the whole time she's been sledding this afternoon she had a Delaware Egg in her pocket. The last trip down the hill it slid right out of her pocket and down the hill on it's own!


Oh, Cyn...your approval means SO much. I can't tell you how many times I looked at your flock and read your posts to determine who to cull.

Thank you!

Well, seriousbill has taught me most everything I know about this breed. And your birds and my birds are related- your boy has a tail like Isaac, on the dark side, plus that meaty body.

Laney, that's too funny. Once I collected an egg I wasn't going to eat due to that particular bird having something in her system (think she had bumblefoot and was on antibiotics). I went just outside my driveway, which is at the top of a very steep hill, and threw it down the hill. It bounced about three times. I had to hike down there and throw it again and when it didn't break then, I just left it.
Allaboutdemchicks, you did a great job culling. Those birds look

I'm starting to think about who to cull in my flock. They are almost 19 weeks old now and here are some pics I got today:
the pullet in the front is from the breeder in PA

this is a pullet from Isaac's kids, she has nice dark coloration (that may not be showing up in the photo)

this is another pullet from Isaac's kids. I think she is too dark and I don't like the black on her beak


this next pic is a PA roo on the left, a PA pullet in the front, and an Ike son on the right. I am sad about the Ike son because his coloration is solid. He has no barring on him anywhere but he is such a sweet boy and he is one of my buddies

This is my number 2 chioce for top roo. He is an Ike son as well. He has a nice comb, good body size and good coloration but his is not my nicest roo. He pecks at my daughter when she tries to pet him and I say "if you can't play nice, you can't stay." I don't care how perfect of a specimen he is, if his personality doesn't improve with some one-on-one time, he ain't staying. (That's actually not my number 2 pick.LOL He is number 3 because of his comb)

Then this is my number one pick for top roo. He does have issues with his tail but he is a big sweetet pie like his Daddy Ike, and personality takes you far at our home.

this last one is a PA roo that will be a cull. I don't care for his coloration, wing carriage, comb or personality. He is another one who likes to peck and does not handle reprimand well.
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Well, just goes to show what I keep saying--even with excellent quality parent stock, you don't always get what you think you will. The Ike son with the solid color is way off and a definite cull as far as breeding to type. How that happens is anybody's guess, but genes combine in strange ways. These should have no Columbian in them, but well, there it is, at least to look at him. The pullet with the black beak is a cull, too, though she'll be fine in the laying flock, of course. L'il Bit who now lives with Yard Full had a beak like that and was very small--is your pullet rather petite, too, Kathy?

Good leg color on those, I see!

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