Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

I had to bring in my largest BR hen, Amanda, and Ivy. They were suffering. Amanda was in a nest most of the day, even laying her egg and staying in it. She was panting and bright, bright red in the face, in spite of the fan blowing on her so she got to come in and cool down, just like Tux did the other day. We can't take this much longer.
We had a little relief today, as it was only about 88*. I brought in 2 of my girls today, too. They are enjoying the air conditioned garage. Our garage has one vent (heat and air), and it does make a difference. I know my two girls were actively moving about the garage anyway.

I think all I do is complain. First about the cold and snow, then about all the rain, now about the heat. I guess I just can not be satisfied.

Tomorrow's forcast 98* with heat index of 105. I have several gallon jugs in the freezer.
I am sick of this heat for sure...we have not seen anything below 90 in days. No end to it in sight. I am ready to go...

my bag is packed
4 seed blocks packed
honey bran muffins & blueberry muffins packed
biscuits in a bag
my lunch bag with grapes, pepsi, cheese sticks and in the morning a couple sandwiches ready
doggie crate waiting to go in car
small cage for silkie in the car
directions and new shoes ready
Movies - packed (Avatar, Garfield, Beaches, Blackhawk Down, Meet the Parents, Meet the Fockers, Hocus Pocus and lord only knows what else I chucked in the bag)

Am I forgetting anything Cyn? If not, I am off to the Land of Suede in the morning.

Note to self: Grab sheet, towel and water bottles out of laundry room in the morning....
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This is RUTHIE!!
We actually JUST got her today (06/24/2010)!! She is about 20 weeks old (About 4 Months old)

We Love her death. Such a sweet Girl. She is our first and only Delaware!! Wasnt even suspossed to get her but she won her place.

She sat on my lap All the way home.
Not the Best picture (will add more later), it was her first picture. She is BEATUIFUL!!


The only thing is that her feet are bad.
she was born with Crooked toes and she sometimes holds her leg weird. But that just makes her even more special!
They dont bother her. When she is in the dirt or grass they dont look as bad. Below is a quick picture of her toes.


Is this COMMON in Delawares?

Here is some more photos of my Washington and River!! they are not laying yet but those combs are getting redder and redder!! I can't wait!
River continues to be one of my friendliest birds

This is River

And Washington, she is getting more barring on her neck just not to visable in the photo

And the 2 of them together
No, that is not common at all. When you say she holds her leg weird, that is probably because of her feet. Oh my, poor thing. Does this chicken have a bald head?

Your girls look just lovely. I think you are right .... eggs any day now!

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