Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

Tim! You're just too much!!
If I'm ever in need of business cards for my girls, I'll be sure to give you a call!!
Welcome Rotti!

Aren't they great?

Pink, we must have a lot in common. I see you everywhere I go.

Rotti~ Of course we have a lot in common........isn't that great! I'm a huge lurker in this thread, I love to come by and read it, it's a very calm and relaxing thread for me, besides, all the Delaware folk here are just FABULOUS!!!!!! I have learned so much just reading this thread, it's amazing and all the photos of the beauty birds help me out tremendously.
Delawares ROCK!!!!!
Kathy!!!! Heres a vid, in the light. Not the best quality, so I could get a longer time limit. They're all thriving and enjoying life!
Tim! You're just too much!!
If I'm ever in need of business cards for my girls, I'll be sure to give you a call!!

Your on , just let me know.

Oh you two.....
I gotta admit....I really like the second one!
gig.gif far I've got 3 del roos and 5 del pullets out in the garage along with my nneck who is a pullet and that ee is still up in the air. That's the one thing about EE's, they take forever!! Now in the dining room, *hangs head* I still haven't put these boogers in the garage yet! I've got one possible roo, I think its a del cuz of the straight comb. Remember, these all came from brown and green eggs, so I am having a hard time figuring out who is who!
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Your on , just let me know.

Oh you two.....
I gotta admit....I really like the second one!
gig.gif far I've got 3 del roos and 5 del pullets out in the garage along with my nneck who is a pullet and that ee is still up in the air. That's the one thing about EE's, they take forever!! Now in the dining room, *hangs head* I still haven't put these boogers in the garage yet! I've got one possible roo, I think its a del cuz of the straight comb. Remember, these all came from brown and green eggs, so I am having a hard time figuring out who is who!

How many you got total? I already told you the broody in the coop hatched another one yesterday. I don't know how they do it. Wonder if they talk to the eggs? " hang on guys mommas gotta go potty and get something to eat, I'll be right back". We freak out if the temp drops a degree or two and she just gets up and it is freezing out, but they hatch anyhow.

So now I got more chicks than I know what to do with.

Good garden o' peas!

Oh boy, right now I've got 15 chicks, 4 of which are roos. Not too bad in the roo/pullet ratio. Sheesh, they must talk to the eggs! I'm telling ya, if they're gonna hatch, they will hatch-temp and humidity be da@#ed! Remember I told you that I had 3 chicks riding the egg turner, 3 days early and the humidity was less than 20 percent! Popped out perfectly and were loving the ride!

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