Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

How quickly do these girls mature? I have one I got early mid august, she is very dark pink in the face and now her pelvic bones are 2 fingers she getting close?

How old was she when you got her? Dels generally do lay early, I had one that laid her first egg at something ridiculous like 17.5 weeks, but most of them are around 20-22 weeks old.
Here you go on the pics. Notice they don't have that "egyptian" eyeliner. I don't recall seeing it on any of my other Del chicks either. I'm not sure where the "Dark Horse" came from I only hope it's a girl. The father is most likely an Orp and the mother one of number of Orp colors.


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They look like cockerals because their combs and wattles are already pretty red for two months. Do you have any others? I have a little baby Del that I could already tell he was a cockeral by the time he was just over 2 weeks old. [darn it!]

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