Show off your Peas!

Two drops of green blood!
Dam, you're good.

...i just got the pieds and their perch is only two feet off the ground....well i went in there today and noticed that one of the females must have pulled their leg muscle....and is now limping...was wondering what i can do to fix this...
Chris, especially if she is under a year old, check to make sure she hasn't slipped a tendon.

Could be, but very low % green I think.

My Spaldings are only 50% and none had/have white belly feathers like that, they are either black or reddish orange on the belly.
Thanks for the info, I hadn't heard that before.
she seems to be doing a little better today...but i would have no idea what to do to check for a slipped tendon...well moved the trio today before dark....was super easy worked out is a couple of pics

and boy were they hooting....just found out that my white eyed ib...might have spaulding in her background as well as cameo...i have no clue...she is not pictured above...these pics were taken shortly after they were put into their new pen....
Birdman if it's a slipped tendon it can be fixed to some degree. Check to see if the tendon that stretches along the back of the leg has come off the hock joint. You will probably need to learn this anyway if you raise peafowl, as it does happen now and again. If nothing is done it worsens over time and most usually recommend putting them down. :(

I have a boy at 5 months it happened to, and with Dylan's mom's advice/help I got my boy in pretty good shape. Read my log of slipped tendon then led to twisted tibia.
I have three hens with a little Green blood in them, two came from Legg's. Brad said that it 'brightens' the color of the bird. I am amazed how bright Silver Queen, (my avatar) is, she is much brighter of white than my Whites.
Maybe thats why most people like spalding white birds, its great that they have some splading in them, i decided i will not get more cameo or peach birds unless if they were spaldings, just trying to avoid some of these colors genetics issues. The new cameo silver pied birds i got them 2 weeks ago will not sleep on their perch, and the male train isn't fabulous like my other males, only few cameo males i liked their trains before.
Birdman if it's a slipped tendon it can be fixed to some degree. Check to see if the tendon that stretches along the back of the leg has come off the hock joint. You will probably need to learn this anyway if you raise peafowl, as it does happen now and again. If nothing is done it worsens over time and most usually recommend putting them down.

I have a boy at 5 months it happened to, and with Dylan's mom's advice/help I got my boy in pretty good shape. Read my log of slipped tendon then led to twisted tibia.

do you have a link to it by chance

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