SHOW OFF YOUR YUM! Food Photography Thread

Not exactly hog jowls...I've enjoyed those too but this is different. It's just the little bit of meat in the temple specifically. The pieces vary in size from about a half dollar to bigger pieces maybe 3 inches or a little less. I Googled "pork temple meat" and not surprisingly a package of HyVee cheeks showed up. And I'm OUT of them. Grrrrrr
Santa left this under the tree last December. Been Looking to make use of it soon. Looking forward to it. I have made pasta in the past by shaping it with a pizza cutter and a yard stick. Perhaps this marks high time I pull it out of the box and get flour all over the kitchen..:gig
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Connie this is for you
Home made fettuccine with red wine and beef ragout


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I can't even get charcoal this time of year. Just say no to propane. :gig
We have charcoal only to start the grill. A bag lasts a long time. About a lb started in a chimney starter, then placed on hardwood. Charcoal is expensive anymore. Why?
Last night's chicken parmesan
Mike, I would be disappointed if your photos didn't have me licking my tablet! Let's just say you haven't let me down yet. :clap
:eek: Grilling is ALWAYS possible!! Our traditional New Year's dinner is done on the grill by our son, who is a cook beyond compare! You haven't lived until you've smelled that grill going on a bitter cold, snowy January 1st! He does this thing with shrimp - he has this marinade he makes from lime juice, cilantro, and a few other things he won't share, not even with me! He cleans the shrimp, puts several at a time in the marinade in a Food Saver bag, freezes them upright, then the next day he vacuum seals the bags. Doing that several times over a couple of months, he accumulates enough for our big meal. New Years's day he takes them out and lets them thaw slowly in the marinade, then pops them on the grill when the steaks are almost done. A meal to make you look forward to whatever the New Year throws at you! ON the grill. In January. In northwest Wyoming. Oh, yeah!! :weeIt's always grilling time!
Freeze thaw marinade is awesome. It adds more flavor than just soaking in a bath. Same when we bulk cook chili, baked beans, Tom sauce etc. The flavors fuse in chemistry.
Have you ever reheated food saved in the vacuum bags? Our kids flew the coop so it's just the 2 of us but we are still in the habit of over portion cooking. Having access to all the fresh meats from the farm is a perk. When we grill and/or smoke them, we package up balances and sometimes just heat them up in hot water. It reheats the meats without drying them out. They are about a mirror image of the day they came off the grill. We grill about 8 to 10 burgers and suck pack the rest. On a lazy night, get a pot of water going on the stove top and dinner is ready.:yesss:
Sea bream with lemon herbs and local spices, a totally Mediterranean dish!
Benny, your dishes always look exquisite and inviting!!... Explain the parchment paper?
Yummy, but it's not fair showing grilling to some of us that live where that is not currently possible
Where there is a will, there is a way.:gig
I'm not a big fan of rice,
It was pork shoulder/boston butt in the slow cooker. It was seasoned with cumin, salt, cayenne. Squeezed an orange in there, and a diced onion, cooked on low for about 9-10 hours. Pork cooked in own juices is yummy. After I pulled it, I threw it in a bowl and and added some of it's own juices. It was the first time I ever made it, I don't use a slow cooker very often.
Bam! "Bookmarked". :cool:
I had to replace everything when the bus of mine I was living was stolen I lost everything not even a stitch of clothing left found out it had been stripped then sold for scrap that was like 8 years ago no
Years ago had made first dinner for the folks when I moved back from Juneau took my own place beautiful roasted chicken they got there we ate then sat in the living room with desert walked them out came back in to put food away bird no where to be found dog with ver shameful face
Our Chocolate Lab is tall enough to reach the top of all our grills. We have caught him on his hind legs before. When he sees us he will sit down and try to look cute and innocent. He hasn't took the money and run yet. Yet:th
Chicken bones are dangerous. I'm glad the doggie is alright:)
So no chocolate covered rice for you. Got it. Lol
Nope, and I don't like chocolate either. :sick Um, am I banned now? :oops:
We ought to try some enchiladas sometime! It's been a long time. Too long. Your dish has me writing stuff down on my to do list..:love
A big ole ribeye and some 'shrooms and onions. The skillet is a #10 Wagner over 100 years old. It's my favorite frying pan.
I hold you personally responsible for me nagging my DH for grilled red meat tonight!:lau:lau:lau
More! More! More! Looks like you know your way around the fire. Thanks for sharing and stick around! I like your style man! VIVA BBQ GRILL..:yesss:
Welcome to the thread.

I had a little over a pound of pork stew meat. I used this recipe
I substituted avocado oil as it performs well and imparts no taste. I only used half an onion sliced, easily the suggested amount of garlic and 1/8 t cayenne pwd with just under 1/2 c honey. Cooked for the amount of time in the recipe.
Served on jasmine rice with roasted asparagus. Simple prep, simple flavors

Wowza! You are really starting to impress me lately. Every time you post an asparagus pic my mouth waters! Everything looks scrumptious!
What time should I be there tonight for supper?:pop
Thanks. They are actually the temple meat of a pig. A bit chewy but they can be tough as leather if even slightly overcooked, and not very big, but they pack more pork flavor in one little bite than anything else I can think of! And yep, the ultimate in plain good old fashioned comfort food! We grew up calling them pig cheeks. We could get them for next to nothing at the John Morrell meat packing plant in town where my uncle worked. Now they sell them in some stores there and they call them Pork Temple Meat. Nope, still pig cheeks!:lau

Glad you like the dishes...I love this stuff so much that I replaced my kitchen with everything I could think of - pots and pans, coffee pot, utensils, pot holders, dinnerware, knives, bakers, cookie sheets, tea sets. If they make it, I've got it. Never my life did I ever even have dishes that matched until very recently. Think I went a little overboard!

I am loving going through the pages of this thread!!
And we love having you..:hugs
Not exactly hog jowls...I've enjoyed those too but this is different. It's just the little bit of meat in the temple specifically. The pieces vary in size from about a half dollar to bigger pieces maybe 3 inches or a little less. I Googled "pork temple meat" and not surprisingly a package of HyVee cheeks showed up. And I'm OUT of them. Grrrrrr
I reread your op after my reply. We have our pork professionally processed. So when we make the new cut list coming up, I will be sure to inquire about it. Most likely he has been using that area in the sausages. Thanks for schooling me. You are awesome awesomeness!:hugs
Connie this is for you
Home made fettuccine with red wine and beef ragout
Benny! You are killing me! :wee:eek::drool:drool:drool:th
I already ate lunch but now ready for more..:smack
It does inspire me to prep the kitchen for a pasta extravaganza..:thumbsup
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The paper make it easy to turn in mid grilling time ,the fish dose not stick to the try
About home made pasta it is extraordinary!
The most important things are good flour and eggs , you can use some plain flour and all egg (1egg/100 grams of flour) BUT if you use pasta flour (hard Durum grain) and only the yolk you will get something unbelievable!

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