show quality speckled sussex ??

Okay, I just got back from closely looking at the situation. And it looks like he's getting picked back there. I see a few pin feathers trying to come in but the skin is pretty red. I have watched another pen of hens follow their rooster around picking at his "butt" feathers. So maybe that's what's happening with this guy. I sure hope it's that and not some genetic fluke. Ha!
ok use the blue or purple wound spray if you have any or just plain old grease like from a automotive or tractor grease gun that should stop the pecking and then he should heal up quickly...
Okay, I just got back from closely looking at the situation. And it looks like he's getting picked back there. I see a few pin feathers trying to come in but the skin is pretty red. I have watched another pen of hens follow their rooster around picking at his "butt" feathers. So maybe that's what's happening with this guy. I sure hope it's that and not some genetic fluke. Ha!
Here are my SS chicks at about 5 weeks of age (short by a day or so). There are other four week old various colored Orps in with them. They wanted to get in on the act so have several guest spots.

See there's a black Orp. chick right there!
I have 5 SS that I got at a feed store last July. This was my first time owning chickens I totally love this breed. I am surprised at the difference in color and speckles that they have. Some have more white spots then others. Last year at the county fair I was hoping to see some to get an idea of what mine would look like all feathered out but there were not any Sussex at all. Are they just not that popular of birds? I would like to take one of my girls to the fair to show off the breed because they are such great birds. Would one of them be okay to take or are they not a good representation of the breed standard?

what color is more to the breed standard? This pic was taken when they were 18 weeks old.

This one is Shirley she has always been my favorite I think because she was the odd colored one.

Shirley again because she was posing.
Nakstk ( Niki),

Welcome aboard the SQ SS thread.
The SS is a very pretty breed that never fails to draw attention. The birds are very friendly and curious about every thing.

There are very few breeders breeding SQ SS. You are 100% correct that they are rarely at shows. I do think if more folks saw them in person, they would want to have them.
I just hatched some buff leghorns. I would not of gotten them, had I not saw them at a chicken show.

The SS use to be the in vogue breed. Now folks are concentrating on other breeds and the SS have been pushed aside.

IF you check back at the first few posts in this thread, you will find some drawings of what good SS should look like. You find the SOP for the SS too.
The breed should be big with roosters weighing in at 9 lbs. and hens should be 7 lbs. The back should be look and the tail should have a low tail angle.
These were once a meat bird, so the breast should be broad and deep.

COLOR is important, but it is only worth 37 out of the 100 points. SHAPE is more important.
SS are a tri color bird. The first thing you want to look for and avoid is the WHITE FEATHER. Open your hens wings feathers and see if they are hiding any white wing feathers, This is more common of any issue with the males :)

Niki, Welcome aboard the thread. Take the time to review the first pages of this thread. Chit Chat has always been kept to a min. on this thread so that folks like you could easily find some information about their birds :)
i have so far hatched out about 25 SS babies from my trio... then last week one of my hens died :( i could find nothing wrong with her... ohh well i should have plenty of her genetics in the chicks... i am still setting every egg they lay and will be setting them all year... i have been really impressed with mine... the chicks hatch a full day early and are very lively and healthy have not lost a single chick so far... and the eggs hatch really well only about 5 or 6 out of all the eggs that they have layed haven't hatched... im very happy with them so far...
i have so far hatched out about 25 SS babies from my trio... then last week one of my hens died :( i could find nothing wrong with her... ohh well i should have plenty of her genetics in the chicks... i am still setting every egg they lay and will be setting them all year... i have been really impressed with mine... the chicks hatch a full day early and are very lively and healthy have not lost a single chick so far... and the eggs hatch really well only about 5 or 6 out of all the eggs that they have layed haven't hatched... im very happy with them so far...
SO SORRY about your hen....

Very exciting on your hatches though, what SS line are you working with?
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Out of the 10 chicks I purchased I still have 8. Mine are from Tony Albritton. I would like to purchase another 12 from him next year and maybe trade a doz hatching eggs with someone on here with anther line. Just weighed them at 10 weeks of age and will do so again at 16 and 20 weeks (at least that is the plan
). Plus we got numbered bands on all of them and recorded info on each one
Forgot to take pictures when we were doing all that. Will have to post new photos soon.

NAKSTK-Niki, you should be able to get entry forms for the Cowlitz County Fair on-line and the premium book also. Most of the time the entries are due July 1 but poultry might be a bit later. I think you should enter, I want to see your birds. Plus I will try to enter a young trio of my SS chicks, I think mine will be a little too young to enter as single entries. Let me know, PM me, if you might need some help!

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