sick baby chick: trial and error and hope for the best?


Feb 1, 2021
MIddle Tennessee
Today we found our chick, Becky, looking pretty sick.
She is a 3 week old Black Australorp. She looks like she is panting or having trouble breathing, keeps moving her head while opening her mouth repeatedly. Her chirp is not the same as the other chicks. She is lethargic. Just sits there. Doesn't seem interested in food or drink. Keeps her eyes closed. Doesn't seem to have any discharge from her nose or eyes. Has pooped just a little while ago. It was orangy brown, soft and wet, but not totally watery, with a foamy white cap. She is fed medicated chick starter and has gotten some chicken multivitamin mixed with her water before, but the past few days has just been plain water. A few days ago we gave them some plain lettuce as a treat. Not sure if she ate it or not because all the chicks went nuts for it and were running around like crazy. Her brooder is a large plastic tote. Her bedding is pine shavings. We have 9 more chicks in the brooder with her and 5 chicks in a brooder tote next to that one. No other chicks have any symptoms. (We did have a chick that twice had a leg issue, but that seems to be resolved and that chick is separate from this one) We have separated her and tried to dropper feed her vitamin water with a little olive oil in case it was a sour or impacted crop, but there is no swelling visible or felt that indicates her crop is impacted, so I'm not sure. This is our first time raising chickens. But she doesn't feel any different that the other healthy chicks, so I don't know. We would prefer to self-treat. Not really interested in bringing a $4 chick to the vet. Does this sound like a respiratory infection or crop issue? They are all supposed to be vaccinated for Mareks. And all get fed medicated food to prevent coccidiosis. We got them from Hoover Hatchery. Thanks for any help y'all have!
Are the chicks in a brooder with a heat lamp? What is the temperature in the brooder? I would be tempted to get Corid or amprollium and treat the water for possible coccidiosis, just in case. Can you feel her crop to compare it with the other chicks? Is it empty, full, hard, or puffy? What are you feeding?
Are the chicks in a brooder with a heat lamp? What is the temperature in the brooder? I would be tempted to get Corid or amprollium and treat the water for possible coccidiosis, just in case. Can you feel her crop to compare it with the other chicks? Is it empty, full, hard, or puffy? What are you feeding?
Yes. The brooder had a heat lamp. The bedding directly under the lamp is about 85°. They don't seem too hot or cold. There is a lot of space they can escape heat if they are too hot. Right now she is in a separate box with a hot pad under it to keep it warm. The bedding is about 80° right now. I don't feel any difference between her crop and the others. There is amprollium in their food. It's Purina starter chick feed. She just now had some watery diarrhea. Not sure what that means.
Update: she survived overnight, but she is very weak. Won't stand up or open her eyes unless I pick her up. She's curling her toes under her. I'm just giving her sugar water now by dropper once in a while. She won't feed herself or try to eat food if I hold it up to her. I finally figured out the crop thing. Her crop is squishy, but not sure if that is normal or not. If anyone has any ideas of what else I can do I appreciate it.

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