Sick Bird? Strange Egg & Not Wanting To Leave Coop


5 Years
Feb 10, 2018
Hi All -

Been monitoring this one RIR of my three for about a week now but seemed a bit off maybe starting a few days before that. The 3 birds are right at a year old and have been reliable egg layers since mid-winter (dropping off during cold spells then starting up again).

So about a week ago I noticed that really none of the birds are laying eggs, and one in particular does not want to leave the coop. Puzzled over this and asked local chicken experts. One was sure some critter was stealing the eggs, but even though he was positive of this it simply is not possible (I secure them inside of coop in evening and the coop is *tight*).

The other figured it was the up/down changes of weather we are having. Though it is well above freezing at night now (and they were laying in *far* colder in the winter), just the up/down could have thrown them off. Or they could be going into a moult. There really are no stressors for them--they are living the dream. Well, the only *small* exception is the two RIR chicks I got about 4 weeks ago and they are now about 12 weeks old (were mostly feathered chicks when I got them). But the now-juvenile chicks are scared of the hens not the other way around, and the chicks do *NOT* yet spend the nights out in the coop. (They claim they are house chickens, but that is a whole 'nuther thread.) Oh another comes to mind. I do have two African geese and one turned out to be a gander. They have been in mating season a long time and he has been a total a**hole for months before that--with no impact on egg laying. He *seems* to ignore and leave the RIR alone but does go after the Guinea hen and terrorize her when he can. However, the geese do *not* go in the coop with the hens at night.

So here is the thing. Today I went out and saw this broken egg on the floor of the coop. It has a translucent shell and the poop is the dark black kind that in humans would suggest blood from the upper or small intestine. So, I decided to write you folks! Have not seen one of those before. By the way, I am new to the chicken scene, only getting my flock started in spring of 2017.

So to summarize, none of the 3 birds are laying right. In fact, in last 5 days have had 2 eggs out of all 3. The only one laying *any* eggs seems to be the one that does not want to leave the coop. I have to physically pick her up and put her outside. But once I do? She scratches around, drinks and eats and does not seem to have discomfort?!? The other birds wander around and seem to eat and behave fine...just no eggs.

No sign of injury or disease. Even the one who sticks in the coop seems to have decent energy levels. Is it possible that there was an issue in her tract and that this egg today actually *resolved* it? Something was "in sideways" and finally got forced out? Or is it an emergency situation?

The problem is, talked with a bird vet and looking at a good $125 to see the bird and do a simple test or two. Was planning on trying some of the wayzine 17 wormer for first time, but then the weather turned to crap with spring rains, so was waiting for it to clear--then this weird egg.

Will attach pic of the egg and poop. Hoping you folks can suggest some guidance on what the heck is happening here.

Regarding their food? Is a corn mash from the local company that mixes it up. Is same stuff they have always eaten since becoming adults.

Regarding poop, I tend to see a range in them from runny to reasonable consistency. This poop today from this one bird is only one that seems to have blood in it.

They get fresh water every day. Have not given any treatment so far, except to pull girl off the nest so she can walk a little, eat and drink.

The bedding is straw up in the nest boxes. About 2 weeks ago I did remove the old winter bedding from the floor of the coop. It was in poor shape and did have some "white powder" stir up suggesting mold or mildew in lower layers of it--was about 12" deep. Now, have a fresh layer of pine shavings and have not put fresh straw in yet on coop floor.

Yes, I would like to treat the bird(s) myself if at all possible. Really cannot afford $125+ on a chicken at this time.
Chicken Egg Translucent and Bloody Poop.jpg
Chicken Egg Translucent and Bloody Poop.jpg
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Nice! Have heard of those. What about the "bloody" poop? Is it ok? And so the others are not laying because not enough calcium? Hmmm, well this is supposed to be great mash and it has not changed. Have been laying fine for months...? But happy to bump up their calcium. Does this explain why the one girl stays brooding in coop all the time? That is new too.

Am encouraged, that sounds like an easy fix.
Yep, certainly looks like a soft-shelled egg, meaning she did not have enough calcium to lay the shell on it.

You say they're fed a corn mash, what's the protein in it? Is it made for laying birds with added calcium?

I'd be adding oyster shell free choice on the side, so they can eat all that they need.
Well there is a possibility that comes to mind.... They have several formulations, starter, grower, layer. But...they all go in the same generic, unmarked bags!! Perhaps they loaded the wrong bags the last time and I did not get layer!! Wow!
And so the others are not laying because not enough calcium? Hmmm, well this is supposed to be great mash and it has not changed. Have been laying fine for months...?

Birds have a special bone called the medullary bone which acts as a reservoir of calcium for egg shell development. It is possible that they had stored up enough calcium that they were okay, but now have finally depleted this source after not getting enough dietary calcium to supply their months of laying.
I see! And if that gets resupplied does the bone get restored? Yes, I just checked and found a tag. It does claim to be "layer" with 4.3% calcium.
As said the egg is just a shell less it can happen as a glitch (ie it just past so soon) the poop looks normal.

What is the protien and calcium rating on your feed? The shell-less represents possible low calcium. But the not laying means they are 1 not getting enough protein (which can lead to egg eating also), 2 stressed which you said they are not, 3 you have something stealing eggs, or 4 it's medical found be worms mites lice, or internal laying cuased by the weak shells or other layung issues.

Now on to the one staying the the coop... in the nest? Does she get mad when you move her? Is she going back after getting goof and water? Judging buy the limited info there she sounds broody not sick. Either get her some eggs or get her in a wire bottom cage off the ground to break her.
I see! And if that gets resupplied does the bone get restored? Yes, I just checked and found a tag. It does claim to be "layer" with 4.3% calcium.

That is a pretty standard amount of calcium to be in a layer feed. I would offer oyster shell on the side as well. They will take it if they need it.

What's the protein percentage in the feed? Any signs of mites, lice, or worms? Another possibility that hasn't been discussed is that the hens themselves could be eating the eggs. It usually starts when a hen lays an egg with a soft or weak shell, it breaks open, and the hens discover there's tasty food in there. Then they start breaking open the eggs themselves and eating them, shell and all.

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