Sick chicken, abdomen bloated


Jan 27, 2016
So I have given cabbage and cooked black beans to my chickens before but never together. Well today I asked my husband to give them some when I cleaned out the fridge (it was still good). When I got home this afternoonand checked on my chickens, one of my older girls about 4 yo was waddling and trying to poop. She got a little bit out and it looked normal. Her abdomen is completely bloated and she let's me know it's uncomfortable when I push on it gently. I brought her in and soaked her in warm water and Epson salt, nothing came out. She is still very bloated and I don't know what else to do. Can you give them antacids? If egg bound do they bloat that quickly?
I personally would wait a day and see if she improves, otherwise I don't know what else you can do, it's possible she's internally laying as that can cause a bloated penguin stance. Hopefully others have a better answer, good luck.
So far she has had 3 soaks, a crushed tums, and 3 little poops (1 watery and 2 normal little balls . She is still bloated and losing energy. I am giving her wet foods to help with dehydration. I don't feel an egg but I guess it could just be out of reach. Just don't like to see them suffer.
Internal layers can become swollen with fluid that can cause difficulty breathing. If her lower abdomen looks tight like a drum, she may have ascites or water belly. Fluid can be removed in those chickens periodically with an 18 gauge needle to help breathing and ease pain and pressure. I would hold off on any more calcium and baths since you don't feel an egg. Here is some reading about internal laying and ascites: ( Look at post #4.)
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Thank you so much eggcessive. I drained her belly and got 1 cup of fluid in a cup plus she drained and soaked a big beach towel that was dripping wet. Thank you thank you. She is now eating and drinking and still draining through her puncture holes. Does this come back or is it a one time thing? What causes this to happen?
Ascites can be caused by a number of things such as heart failure, liver failure, or from internal laying and egg yolk peritonitis. Some other folks here on BYC, such as Casportpony, Speckledhen, and others, have experience with this problem. You may want to go to the search box at the top of this page and enter ascites where there are pages of threads. The draining of the abdomen can be done at intervals whenever you feel that she is getting full again. I'm glad you had such good luck with your procedure--you did a great job.

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