Sick hen- help before I give up on her

I have an Ameracauna hen who suddenly stared acting “off”. Hanging out in the coop and such. I noticed but didn’t see her enough to know something was wrong until I found her laying in the run with her wings kind of hanging. We brought her in and gave her some Tylan 60 and by morning she was much better but still not great. She stared drinking a ton and eating a little but now it’s been 3 days and nothing has changed. If we let her out she just goes to the coop and naps in a nesting box.

Not much energy (could be from lack of food?)
Tail down
Bad diarrhea (could be from all the water)
And I almost think I keep picking up a “sweet” smell but it could be the food in our tiny house.
I’ve been doing Tylan 60 once a day orally.

I noticed she does have gunk on her nostrils.
Can you post some photos of your hen, the poop and her face?

You mention she's got gunk in her nostrils, can you look inside her beak to make sure it's clear of any lesions, plagues or canker?
How long have you had her?
Have you added any new birds in the last 30days?

I agree with @Eggcessive check her crop to make sure it's empty in the morning and feel inside the vent to see if you feel an egg.

I would try to keep her hydrated. Once she's drinking well, offer her a little feed with egg.
Keep us posted.
We put her down. Her crop had some seeds or something small in it every morning but stayed small which was weird. Something definitely in there but she was starving to death and I just didn’t know what to do. We put her down to stop her suffering. Sorry I didn’t see these replies until now. She was an awfully beautiful girl. Black mottled Ameracauna.
Sorry for your loss. You might want to change your BYC settings to get notifications of post on your threads. It is hard to know what they are suffering from without doing a necropsy after they die. Sometimes we can do them ourselves at home and see the obvious problems, but the state vets can usually find the reasons.

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