Sick hen


In the Brooder
Apr 20, 2015
Visalia, CA
18 month old Australorp hen. thought it was just part of her molting but she shivers and is losing weight. She lethargic but will move around a bit. I’ve seen her eat and drink, but not much. She prefers the feed mixed with water, like mush. Comb and waddle seem to be “shrinking” and pale in color. Seems like the other girls are picking on her. She won’t roost in the coop and just prefers to sleep on the floor. I’ve separated her the past few days so the other girls stop picking on her. I’ve also noticed her crop always looks full, like a water balloon. I’m not sure what’s going on with her. Never had a hen act this way. Need some help!
Did you see her passing any droppings and if so, what did it look like?

Did you examine her crop and what does it feel like? Does it feel like a water balloon?

Sorry about the questioning, I'm trying to get a bit more info so someone can help you and her!

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