Sick rooster


In the Brooder
Nov 24, 2021
After the cold weather we’ve had one of my roosters got a little sick he got to come inside till he felt better he went back out and one of my young roosters attacked him (which I’ve had no issue dealing with before) but this time his crop and wattled are now turning mast black and deflating I have never had this happen before he has also lost all spunk and is extremely lethargic so I have been syringe feeding and watering him multiple times a day as well as I’ve been cleaning his wound daily and he has been inside since need any tips if anyone has seen anything like this
He looks very beat up. I doubt if he can go back into the flock with another rooster after being gone. He needs water with sugar or electrolytes, Gatorade, etc while he is in shock and sore. Does he have any cuts on his crop or other wounds? Mix some watery feed in a small bowl, and offer that to him with a little chopped egg or tuna. Clean any wounds with saline, chlorhexidene, or a wound spray. Plain Neosporin can go on wounds after cleaning them.

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