Sight Sexing Barred Plymouth Rock Chicks at Hatch

The pic below (not mine) is a good comparison. Male is in the front.with a female right next to him.
this is the two I'm questioning whether male or female, I think the one that you can only see the head of is female :)
Did you get them from a straight run or an all-pullets bin? If the former, you did a great job of picking what are likely pullets for all three. Signs point to these all being girls.
Did you get them from a straight run or an all-pullets bin? If the former, you did a great job of picking what are likely pullets for all three. Signs point to these all being girls.

I believe straight run. But I don't know for sure. I hope they are all pullet! Two of the three kids named. The third my husband named lol
@aoxa how true are the spots on chicks from Barred rock hens crossed with Lavender Orpington or EE/buff roos? Here are my first two in this hatch

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