
6 Years
Apr 4, 2013
well I have a silkie 9 month old who layed 13 eggs and then stopped we thought she was taking a break I incubated 4 eggs and eat the rest :p little bantam sunny side ups
After a week I panicked and check for any sign of illness or broody ness
She isn't ill nor broody now its almost over a month and she still isn't laying seems normal and least bothered
She isn't losing feathers
So what is going on?
hi, I have a couple hens who go thru this weird egg laying period. I don't think they've gone a whole month tho. if you can isolate her maybe and give her extra treats I would suggest that. my hens love dry oats and that always seems to get them out of their funk.
best of luck! keep us updated :)
<3 kelsey
won't the roo get lonely? she seems fine sits in lap and pecks my cheek while I pet her :) doesn't seem depressed :) if I seperate her will her eggs be fertile? I intend on hatching them
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if you keep her isolated for a little while (a couple days to a week maybe) and give her some alone time without any stress, that may get her laying. how many chickens do you have in your coop? over crowding can cause stress which can lead to less egg laying.
if she starts laying again you can move her back with the other chickens. roosters can sometimes stress hens out so maybe try this. :)
<3 kelsey
No totally normal I put her in a different coop and she kept making that sound was so loud and rooster was repling by making the sound he makes when the cat comes so I thought they were missing each other and I put um together and they were fine then

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