Silkie sexing

No this is my first year having chickens and I've been cursed with roosters. I originally bought 8 chicks from tractor supply. 3 Rhode Island reds 3 barred rocks and 2 red ranger meat birds. When they were about 6-7 weeks I picked up the silkies. Around that time I learned all 3 of my Rhode Island reds and one of the barrd rocks were roosters. Also one of the red ranger meat birds was a rooster. I eventually got rid of all the RIR roosters and picked up 2 pullet RiRs and a red sex link. So now it turns out I have 2 barrd hens 2 RIR hens a sec link hen 2 silkie roosters and a barrd rocks rooster. I have no luck.
My silkies are about 4 months old. I am thinking I have pullets, however can anyone confirm for me either way. Your silkies don't have the full poofs mine do. So I am little confused. Their crests are little messy because they had their heads in a watermelon. Any ideas would be helpful.






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