Silkie thread!

Lol, my chickens are very talkative. I was only today explaining to a lady how my momma hen was growling when the goshawk paid us a visit. She said ' I've never heard of a chicken growling ! Are you sure it wasn't the dog ?
Oh Maria and hubby carry on their own conversations sitting on the couch! I tell him they deserve each other! LOL Hubby talks my ears off. Now he has competition!

All Chickens growl! As a matter of fact! Every critter has a growl!

I love the twitter sounds babies make when they are bedding down for the night! I also love the rip rip rip rip rip sound they make as a warning sound.

ARGH! This place is making me want more Silkie babies!

I'm thinking squatting is a pretty good indication. A male .. may..squat..but thinking it doesn't happen very often. Go with girl. She's a big girl. By chance, can you get a front view of the comb..and wattles? If she is nine months should be getting an egg soon .. if it's a girl. Waiting on that egg.

I'll take her! I have been trying to get another that looked very similar..haven't gotten one yet. Here she is..oohh so pretty.
Blue splash.

This gal was pretty good sized too. My white girl in the back ground is smaller.
mine is 11 months! and she is much bigger than all the others. That's the other reason why I thought it was a male. She doesn't have a comb :) I guess all girl all the way!
Yay I get to join the silkie thread.
picked up my two fluff buckets yesterday. Wow they are cute.

They sleep anywhere on anything one second they are eating next sleeping in their food.

Not sure how you name silkies being that you have to wait so long to tell gender
hi!! i have had a couple silkie that hatched last night. I have a splash rooster and 2 white hens. these are 2 of the babies, but they all look pretty much the same. i just think they are the sweetest! i have never had bantam chicks before!

I have a 4 yr old black silkie that has started to brown recently in spots. It looks like she is being bleached. Is this normal for silkies or black chickens in general?

You are correct. They bleach with the sun. Whites turn sorta yellow. Black to brown. Splash turn a little yellow and partridge seem to just get lighter. But the good news is when they molt, they go back to normal :)

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