Silkies or Silkie Hybrids?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 8, 2013
I purchased 3 black silkie chicks 2 days old from a lady who raised them in her backyard. She had a black silkie rooster and a white silkie hen. She also had Turkens and Cochens and peahens. The silkie hen hatched them. They were so tiny, black and fluffy with feathered feet but a day or two after I brought them home, I noticed that they were able to fly to the top of their brooding box. I raised them with RIRs, an Americauna and an Ancona. None of the other birds developed wing feathers this early, but these silkies developed beautiful, elongated wing feathers within days and were fluttering here and there.... I thought this odd.

They continue to outfly their peers and they are not about 8 weeks old. Currently, they are still very black. A few weeks ago 2 of them started growing combs already!! Today I noticed that 1 of them has single long blond flight feathers on the edges of each wing.....

I am starting to think that they might not be full Silkies, though they have the feathered feet, beautiful soft downy fluff and puffy heads......

Any ideas?
Can you post a picture of them? Also silkies can fly, but they aren't good at it, but that is strange that they are out flying the others.

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