Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

Trying to get a head-count on silkie lovers...

  • ME! - I like silkies!

    Votes: 796 96.0%
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    Votes: 96 11.6%

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Do you free range? Introducing him out of doors is better, and a protected sleeping arrangement in the coop for a couple weeks. Hens can be absolutely savage with a new rooster.
He'll have his own coop and run and I will use the see-but-don't-touch method. my chickens have a large pen that they "free-range" in. I can't remember the measurements right now, but it is big. And in a few months they will be allowed out in the yard which is over half an acre. Thanks for the advice!
I've never had silkies before but I am most likely getting one this spring. Anything I should know, aside from the FLOOF and the broodiness?
Wahoo! Silkies rock!

Silkie feathers aren't waterproof, so I would recommend - if possible - having a covered run. That's all I can think of at the moment. Good luck!
Wahoo! Silkies rock!

Silkie feathers aren't waterproof, so I would recommend - if possible - having a covered run. That's all I can think of at the moment. Good luck!
My friends have a silkie rooster who loves to have a 'shower' out in the rain. He looks like a drowned rat! I am definitely going to have a covered run, they get so gross anyway when it rains and it doesn't have time to dry out :sick
My friends have a silkie rooster who loves to have a 'shower' out in the rain. He looks like a drowned rat! I am definitely going to have a covered run, they get so gross anyway when it rains and it doesn't have time to dry out :sick
Yeah, wet silkies don't look to pretty!

Also, don't believe what people tell you about silkie roosters being quieter than other breeds. They crow just as much and just like any other rooster. However, they tend to be a little more calm.
They get frequently picked on by other breeds. Best to get another silkie for them to hang out with. Certain calm breeds do ok with silkies.
Some examples of calm breeds? I've been looking at:
-Splash Marans
-Silver Laced Cochin
-Easter Egger
-Bantam Barred Rock (would be the flock established with the silkie)
Introducing these breeds a year or so later:
-Speckled Sussex
-White Leghorn
-Cream Legbar OR Olive egger OR Delaware (or another silkie?)
Yeah, wet silkies don't look to pretty!

Also, don't believe what people tell you about silkie roosters being quieter than other breeds. They crow just as much and just like any other rooster. However, they tend to be a little more calm.
I don't have to worry about roosters as neither my parents nor the neighbors would *appreciate* me having any. I'll keep that in mind for the future, though!

First and foremost - ABSOLUTELY NO HATING ON SILKIES ALLOWED!!! If you aren’t here to support our fuzzy friends, don’t respond. :)

Silkies get a bad rap for the following:
"Looks like a dust mop"
"Too hard to maintain"
"Poor immune system"
"Dumber than rocks"
"0 predator awareness"
And oh, so much more.

Well my friends - I thought so too, until I actually got silkies for myself. These are some of the most wonderful birds out there.

I’ve found them to be highly heat tolerant, wonderful mothers, having the strongest immune systems in my Bantam flock, GREAT LAYERS (that’s right folks), adorable as all get out, and more. :D

I currently have 9 silkies - and my rooster has been nothing but a gentleman to his ladies. They free range daily and I’ve not had a silkie get killed by a predator yet. My hens average 5 eggs a week - not too bad for a silkie, eh? :)

Most of the time, these silkie haters haven’t even owned the breed, but rather pretend they know everything. :lol:

So... let the fun begin! Support our silkies! :woot

Pictures always welcome. :)

Be mindful, and respect others...

Off-topic discussions are allowed, though try to maintain the subject of silkies.

My silkies are so sweet. When I go to let the younger chicks out, i't always the silkies that come to greet me first. I have 6 silkies.
I absolutely LOVEEEEE my silkies. They've been with me since the beginning of the spring. I heard all the same issues with them. Dumb. High Maintenance. Whatever... these birds make me smiles like nobody's business!!! 💜 😍 I'll post a few of my babies...

This is Motley and Ozzy when they were about a month or so old! :love
Motley Week 4.4.JPG
Ozzy Wek 4.4.JPG

And here they are now! Thick as Theives! I'm pretty sure we have a cockerel and a pullet. Motley has the streamers and red tinted waddles and comb. And Ozzy is just my sweet sweet girl! 💜💜💜


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