Silver Laced Wyandotte or Americauna?


In the Brooder
Jan 15, 2017
Northern Illinois
Purchased 4 chicks today; supposed to be Americauna, Golden Laced Wyandotte, Silver Laced Wyandotte, and Blue something or other! Got home with them, and 2 look exactly alike; with double lines going down their backs. I know which is the Golden, and which is the Blue; but did I get 2 Silver Laced and no Americauna?
Most likely those Americanas are not teue Ameraucanas but instead are easter eggers. Both EE and SLW have stripes. Need pic for better ID.
Purchased 4 chicks today; supposed to be Americauna, Golden Laced Wyandotte, Silver Laced Wyandotte, and Blue something or other! Got home with them, and 2 look exactly alike; with double lines going down their backs. I know which is the Golden, and which is the Blue; but did I get 2 Silver Laced and no Americauna?
Pics required... EE should have fluffy cheeks.

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