Sit'n on the porch

Is the run built around a tree or beside a tree?

I like it.

There is one VERY tall pin in the run and one just outside the run fence, all on a slop,



Good morning,
I am feeling a bit deep this morning
the chickens are squared away, the dogs ate already,
no, we all have never met face to face, but my heart knows you, my prayers know you, and I know He sees your face.
"and the greatest's of these is Love............."
and the flock re-pecking order has begun. Now that the New chicks are older and as big as the older hens there has been new alliances lining up, a few feathers flying, a few on the run, and a few standing their ground. When it gets to loud, Ziva, my dog, wants out promptly to see what is going on and if they are alright.
So far everything is alright, just nature taking its path to order in the coop.

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