Sit'n on the porch

Thank you, I am just sad to loos a hen,
I tell ya, haha I told DH yesterday,, you kept asking- why so many?why do you need that many? [he asked cuz he wanted to build a smaller coop🥸]
I said to him---this is why I ordered 16 F-chicks and 1-rooster you have to factor in , of the 17 you may [and I did get 3] get more than one rooster, some chicks may not survive the shipping, some may die later, and so now I am at the minimum I want 12 hens.
Even though I have read Welsummers are not likely but can get broody I so hope one of mine will. I have been watching them and there is one hen that loves to sit on all of the eggs laid for the day. When I go out to the coop I put any eggs that are in a different nest spot under her hoping she will get the idea that this is her job, hahahaha:love
I hope one goes broody for you as well. It is a wonderful experience to watch them raise little ones. 🥰
I am going to start watching my hens eggs for fertilization, I want to shoot for incubating and getting a hatch in June,,, I dont know if these hens will go broody or not but I want 6 more hens.

@Mother-Hen-Michele , I take it as it comes,
like this weekend we are to get a cold snap due to very clear skies, so, I am going to do the house chores I said I would do last week and didnt :rant I truly need to dust and mop,,, I have taken advantage of the fact the floors in this house dont show the dog foot prints & slobber as well as the floors in the cabin. I mopped every week in the cabin, but here,,, I vacuumed every day but I am embarrassed to say in a years time I have only moped 5 times 🫣
You are human! 😆
Good morning! All I made plenty of coffee and am about to go in and make up some biscuits
  • 2 cups bobs Red Mill flour
  • 1 Tbsp Baking Powder
  • 1 Tbsp Sugar
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 6 Tbsp Butter + 2 Tbsp, melted, for brushing
  • 1 cup Milk
Do you cook them in a pan or oven? (What temperature?)

I know that I should know... But I am French-Canadian, biscuits are not super popular... I noticed you use baking powder, I have seen baking soda most often. I prefer the taste of powder

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