Small Flock Thread Anybody?

I 'inherited' my starting flock in April when a friend got busted for having chickens in University Park (Dallas). Turned out 11 of the 14 were roosters so 9 were rehomed, 1 became ill and the last rooster liked his voice way more than we did. So, 3 hens left - all bantams : 1 Mille Fleur - Blondie, 2 Sebrights - Cruella & Tiny (mean girls)) and now the flock is too small. So, we find a rancher giving up the egg business and we come home with 2 RIR (Crispy & Spicy), 1 Barred Rock (Big Mama), and one production red (Nugget). Then same friend still has hens and is fighting the whole code thing - but can't bear to have a broody hen sit on fake eggs, hatches out 8 chicks. So now we also have 2 Buff Orpington chicks - Sunshine & Brandy - who will finally be face to face vs. behind their own fence - with the flock tomorrow.

April to now....boy have I learned a lot and had such fun times. Who knew that mackerel was also considered chicken crack? Or that chickens can jump really high when offered string cheese?
Hi have a small flock too
I currently have 3 Lohmann Brown's Emma, Kate and Milly.
I am hoping to get a bigger coop soon and add a rooster to the flock (do roo's sleep in the same coop as the girls?)

I will post another photo later when they are outside in the garden

*hugs* Heather x
Dear Pandapaws,
The 11 parakeets are parrots. I got them first, thinking I would raise little budgies. I also went to this zoo and when you walked into the aviary with a stick that had seeds on it, they all flew to you and sat on your hand eating all the seeds.
This was like a life long dream, I thought I could tame them. ...................NO_WAY.
I also thought that quails would keep the aviary cleaner, by eating all the bugs, poop, etc................NO-WAY..But their eggs are yummy...
Then I came home with 2 RIR'S I saw on caigslist, thinking I need chicken eggs, and they are so awesome and sweet, that I bought the babies from the hatchery.

THE PICTURES YOU POSTED OF YOURS ARE AWESOME. I wish I lived anywhere else, but here in Fla. It is still so hot and I can't even spend much time out in the aviary......
90 degrees today with 90 percent humidity............I DON'T GET WHY PEOPLE RETIRE TO FLORIDA.........I HATE IT.......WHEN MY KIDS EVER MOVE OUT.......I AM OUTTA HERE..ONE IS 22, ONE IS 18 WNOOO WHOOOO
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Is 11 chickens and 2 turkeys too many for a small flock thread?

I have a bantam coop with five adoreable bantams which are two cochin frizzle bantams, 1 regular polish bantam and 1 frizzle polish roo bantam, and then 1 silkie.

Then in my hen house, I have a golden buff, an olive egger, a cream brabanter, a coronation sussex trio, and then my pair turkeys, a blue slate hen and a royal palm tom.

I just love variety, and color. These chickens and my turkeys really help me keep my sanity. Here's a few pics:





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