so so so sad

There just are never adequate words when a soldier gives everything. Please let your brother know that I am specifically praying for him. They say that time heals all wounds...but there are some that are never really healed. No one can imagine the sacrifices that soldiers make on our behalf. So we say "thank you"...but it's far from enough. Tears fall as I even type this....

My daughter just returned from Iraq...I know what she has given up....and there are ways in which she will never be the same.

Let us never forget....
thank you everyone and big thanks to oldtimegator. i have a cousin who actually doesn't support him because she doesn't beleive in war. are people really that ignorant? or do they just not care what these men and women go through on a daily basis to keep put country as safe as they possibly can? it really makes me mad and i am really holding myself from not going off on her. these men and women deserve the world for putting their lives on the line for us, and someone us can't even give them the respect they deserve.

anyway enough ranting..

my brother's best friends wife has put in a request for my brother to come home so that he may attend the funeral. i hope he is able to, he is a complete wreck right now and doesn't need to be there. my brother is my rock and he needs to come home in alive and in one piece or i will lose it.

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