SOLD-Ameraucanas/Marans/Faverolles heavy pics added

Hi Leghorndude,

I live in Conroe too! Conroe has Trade Days at the fairgrounds twice a year in May and October. There is a big poultry swap in Cleveland at the John Deer tractor place on 59 every Wed. morning too. We have lots of local breeders but mostly on the south side of Houston that have beautiful birds and of course there is <blush> me and my wonderful birds!

The auctions I was refering to are online.
ok i go to tradin days every time whether i need birds or not didnt know about the sale at the john deer sale thats kinda cool i might just have to check it out
What is that gorgeous rooster in picture #3 on the first page? He's absolutely lovely!

I and my spouse are "DISCUSSING" what breed is in that first pic on pg 1. My son had a hen very close to what you have and we could never figure out what breed she was exactly. I know she laid geen eggs so we just said EE.
Anyway sent ya a pm about eggs.
Reinbeau that is a Blue Wheaten Ameraucana.

msrma7670 those are a Wheaten Ameraucana cockerel and Wheaten and Blue Wheaten pullets.

Easter Eggers are nice birds and very close to Ameraucanas in many ways and sometimes sold as such but Ameraucanas have been standardized in 8 colors and have a breed association and have been accepted by the APA to participate in poultry shows.

There are also some other colors being worked on. If colors are not reproducable or within the associations guidlines then the birds are considered by some to be Easter Eggers in the truest sense. There are other mutt birds that lay colored eggs that may also be considered EEs.

For more info on EEs go to

For more info on Ameraucanas go to
Wow! Right now that is all I can say about your birds. I want on the list...but lord only knows when this spring.

My daughters first grade teacher is talking about hatching some eggs this spring, maybe then...

Right now I really want to know more about sending chickens to the Indian reservation. How did you do this? I think this sounds like a GREAT idea!
Right now I really want to know more about sending chickens to the Indian reservation. How did you do this? I think this sounds like a GREAT idea!

We were contacted by a leader in the tribe. They have a very real situaton with poverty on the reservation. The leader felt that if more of their people could get a start in sustainable agriculture and livestock production that they would not only be able to support themselves better but also have a more healthy diet. Many Native American Nations have seen a severe decline in health since they began eating the 'American" diet.

So we were asked to donate and did. We have heard back that several folks now have our birds and are enjoying their blues eggs and meat from them. They also have a market in selling extra eggs as the Ameraucanas are good layers and the Salmon Faverolles are prolific. The Marans make better meat birds and so I would like to see some of those go to them this year.

It is always a blessing to be able to help others know the joys of chickens, cows, horses, etc.


Your birds are beautiful!

Please put me down for some of your Cuckoo Marans and some of your Ameraucanas for April~the beginning of April would be great if you are not already booked then~I believe it will be warm enough here in South Carolina by then.

I would brobably like 1 dozen of each of the two kind if they are available at that time.

Would you have an estimate (as I know shipping can go up anytime & change on all of us) of how much it might be?

I have to say once again, your birds are so pretty! Wish it were spring right now!

Lisa Vann

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