some of the best things God has given us

Family. Friends. My cats and dog- and chickens! Sunshine, fresh breezes, the changing seasons (even the ones I don't like), so many more wonderful things to be thankful for...
My family, our sweet-natured doggies, our beautiful girls (chickens), candling the eggs under Petunia last night and seeing the embryos moving, a beautiful sunset night before last, another delicious day off with no-one trying to call me in (I would have gone in to help if they had), our son's beautiful curly hair, the smell of fresh-mown grass, the smell of tomato plants, new tires on the car, a job, and every healthy delivery I attend.
His only begotton Son!


and roasting marshmallows over bonfires on chilly Autum nights!
The coming of a thunderstorm when the sky darkens and the wind begins to whip up. The pressure drops and the sky lights with the random streaks of lightening.
The hope of a rainbow after the storm.
Sun dogs.
The first innocent looking snowflakes of an impending storm.
Wind blowing the curtains in your bedroom.
The smell of Thanksgiving turkey in the oven.
Baking holiday cookies and that first sweet bite of your favorite kind.
The crunch and heady smell of fallen leaves while you walk through the woods.
The faint fuzzy green appearance of leaves beginning on bare trees after a much too long winter.
The feel of feathers, fur, velvet, satin or even worn flannel.
Your favorite fleece PJs on a cold winter evening.
The last stitch of a crocheted project.
Looking directly into the eyes of a wild creature.
Biting into a warm, ripe peach right off the tree and feeling the warm juice trickle down your throat.

I was feeling down today. This thread has brought me peace. Please keep them coming.
His love and forgiveness, everlasting life, the love of my late mother that was enough to last me for my lifetime, the complete and total peace that comes from having a wonderful husband, the smell of a newborn baby, a baby's first laugh, the adoration of my dog's, cool crisp mornings and warm breezy evenings, the smell of the mountains, the beauty of a flower, the scent of honeysuckles, always having enough of what i need - no matter what it is, spanish moss covered live oaks, air in my lungs and a beating heart, true friends, two hands that serve me well, problems that floor you for the moment that you encounter them then seem like no big deal at all a short time later, His creation and the wonder of it all, i could go on forever...
After 3 years of in and out of the doctors offices, therapy, and hospital stays my youngest (twin b) has finally outgrown his swallowing disorder and has been released from the care of the Pulmonary doctor! I could have cried! So many times his first year I thought we were losing him...but he fought and I fought until we got answers!
Also, the I love you's from all of my babies!
AND:D my wonderful husband who has been a wonderful father to my 3 children from a previous marriage. They have a crappy dad and my husband steps in a shows them what a father is supposed to be. Truly one of the best gifts God has given us
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She gave us dogs to be our best friend out of any.
She brings us brilliant colors on a sunny fall day.
She lets us partake of her through her animals that give themselves as meat.
She shows us daily that we can do whatever we strive to do!

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