Some people make me sooo Frigging mad *Rant*

well he couldn't exactly tell me he didn't have any now could he, so he told me that he preferred to keep the feed for those who could really needed at the exact time they buy it. when he elaborated he told me he knew I was stock piling and it was obvious I didn't need any. WHAT??? I keep 2 extra bags in my barn of feed 1 full barrel of BOSS and 1 barrel of Scratch. If we get hit with a snow storm and conditions are bad then I do not have to worry about getting down to the ranch which is 30 minutes away and I told him this, I also asked him about the Oyster shell which is special order and the shavings I had ordered. He pipes up with whom told him that BS and then tells me he sold her the shavings I had ordered and the Oyster shell!!!

I REALLY do not get this. I buy my feed a ton at a time and my hay at 500 bales at a time. Does that make me a hoarder? Or am I a practical businessman who does not like to waste time or gas on a bazillion trips buying the stuff weekly? Since when does a store owner get to decide how I run my farm?!?

Yeash. Buy elsewhere without explanation. You certainly don't owe them one.

well 7:20 am came and she sent me the daily msg in the morning, well I didn't waste any time nor did I want to give her a way out on this. I really gave it a lot of thought about the fact that maybe she might be innocent on all of this but I really didn't think so because the ranch owner knew some stuff on her would have known, as she has been the only one in my barn. Anyhow, I flatly asked her what the heck she said??

I got no response for several minutes, and then she started with the run around explanations I told her I didn't care for her half arse excuses that if she had it in her to do something like that then I wanted nothing to do with her period. I told her malicious behaviour was not acceptable and told her she was not welcomed at my place.

the conversation was a lot more heated than what I described up above and I decided not to really take the high rd and lashed out at her verbally, I finished it up with I hope you joke on Oyster shell. In my defense because I am never one to wish ill on anyone, I was super mad!!

so there I have it, no real explanation why she acted like that, but at least now I know she really did do it!!

I will not go around badmouthing her or the ranch, cause that will just make me look like a dummy to everyone else that is in good standing with them or friends with them. Not sticking my tail between my legs and walking away sort of speak, because if asked by anyone or the ranch owner does eventually call me I will tell him why I am not there. But then again I am sure next time she goes to buy more feed she will tell him, so if they want to act that way, well they deserve each other.

oh well live and learn right?? sometimes we want to see the good so badly out of people we turn a blind eye to the their bad behaviour!
Rusty's comments.
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Why would it matter to them whether you are stock piling or not? I mean they get their money all the same. Why is it their place to decide who needs it more ...thats just weird!
I dont get the business owner. Around here if I went in and bought their whole inventory of feed and supplies they would be happy they made money. They wouldnt care if I drove down the road with it and dumped it so long as they had their money in their pocket. I wouldnt shop there again. I know the other palce is further away but maybe it you got more when you went you wouldnt have to go as often. The friend is no friend. She sound jealous. Lots of people like that in the world sad to say. You are better off without her drama. If I was that ranch owner you would be one of my number one customers spending that kind of money on a regular basis. Sorry you are having to deal with this.
2 x

I had a friend that did the same thing to me a couple of years ago and I dropped by to pick up the feed. Well they sold the feed to her. I told them I do not appreciate that and I go out of town to buy my feed. I would try to make a once a month trip out of town, not only to pick up feed but to do some shopping. I would buy what I can over a month time during the warmer months and then buy two months of feed during the winter. If I run out of food in an emergency, I got Rural King as a back up.

That same friend I had, we still talk but nothing more. I would not sell any of my birds to her nor share bulk of feed nor even donate anything of mine. Got stood up as well when she was supposed to come to pick up the chicks but didn't...dummy me, she was a no show twice. Now I know she has a medical condition that would affect her decision making and she is in a lot of pain. I can understand that but nothing more. So the feeling is mutual.
Too bad you blew your cool. Not recommended. Negative effects on future activities.

There's no need to blow up at this lady and it only will cause more problems. Just stay away from her, be polite when you see her...and put a wrapper on the temper.
Was telling my hubby about your situation. We both come from northern small towns so know what its like.

He thinks its time you started a feed CO-OP. Much better to have feeds delivered rather than drive an hour for feed.
You can be your own customer. You might want to check into it or check and see if someone else has one going, you may be surprised.

Took me awhile but I found a food Co-op half an hour away. They have orders delivered every 2 months. So that is how I stock my cupboards and freezer. Just something to think on - moving forward.
I absolutely cannot imagine treating a customer that way.
That is so wrong.

Take your DH's idea, go out of town once a month and stock up, and do not ever give that place another penny of your money.

Wow. Just wow. I am nearly speechless!
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Next time try my method. Write a really nasty letter and keep rewriting it until you have calmed down.
Works most of the time.
Do not blame you for blowing up. I hate liars.

I like writers letter. I would send it and go elsewhere.

I ordered an entire case of silicon from our local lumber store. Still haven't heard from them.
That was almost a month ago.
I will not buy from them.

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